Teatr Biuro Podróży

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Teatr Biuro Podróży (Travel Agency Theatre) is an award-winning alternative theatre company based in Poznan, Poland. Founded by Paweł Szkotak in 1988, this Polish theatre ensemble creates and performs large-scale, outdoor theatre on social and political themes, using gesture, physical action, visual spectacle, music, and minimal text. The company tours regularly and has performed in almost forty countries.

The group’s most famous piece, Carmen Funebre (Funeral Song), is based on interviews with victims of the Balkan wars. Developed in 1993-1994, Carmen Funebre continues to tour internationally, including performances in the U.S. in 2003 and in the UK in 2007. Carmen Funebre was awarded Fringe First (1995), the Critic’s Award (1995), and the Hamada Award (1996) at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. The ensemble's most recent production, HofD (Heart of Darkness) premiered in London in the summer of 2007 at the National Theatre's outdoor festival, Watch This Space.


[edit] Productions

HofD (Heart of Darkness), 2007
Facing the Zone, in collaboration with EcodomArt (Belarus) and Arabeski Teatr (the Ukraine), 2006
MacBeth: Who is that Bloodied Man?, 2005
Pigs, 2003
Manuscript by Alfonso van Worden, 2001
Millennium Mystries, 2000
Moonsailors, 1999
Drink Vinegar Gentlemen, 1998
Not of Us, 1997
Carmen Funebre, 1993-1994
Giordano, 1992
The Gentle End of Death, 1990
Einmal ist keinmal, 1989

[edit] Awards

1989 – First Prize at the Polish National Festival of Young Theatre – START Festival for Einmal ist keinmal
1992 – Ensemble Award at the Łódz Theatre Meetings festival for Giordano
1995 – Fringe First and Critic’s Award at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for Carmen Funebre
1996 – Hamada Award at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival for Carmen Funebre
2001 – Award for Best Scenography at the Festival of Experimental Theatre in Cairo
2005 – Best Script at the National Festival of Comedy in Tarnów, Poland for Pigs

[edit] Paweł Szkotak, Founder

Born in 1965, Szkotak was educated at Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Poland). In addition to leading Teatr Biuro Podróży, he is also the artistic director of Polski Teatr in Poznan, which was named one of the best repertory theatres in Poland by Teatr magazine in 2004. He is also director of the Maski Festival of experimental theatre in Poznan. He has been granted over a dozen awards for his work, including the prestigious Passport award from Polityka magazine (2004), presented to outstanding Polish artists that represent Poland abroad.

[edit] References

[edit] Other Languages