Tears of Joy Theatre

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Tears of Joy Theatre is a puppet theatre company located in the Portland, Oregon metro area.

The current Managing Director is Janet Bradley. The current Artistic Director is Nancy Aldrich. Reg Bradley was Artistic Director from the theatre company's inception to 1998. Jodi Eichelberger was Artistic Director from 1998 to 2000. The theatre company reaches over 250,000 children a year, touring to schools in Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho, Montana, and Nevada. In addition to producing three touring shows simultaneously, they produce four mainstage puppet shows in downtown Portland annually. Tears of Joy's Higher Stages programme works with Portland Public Schools to bring after school art programs to underserved populations in the Portland area.

The stated mission of Tears of Joy Theatre is "to produce, develop and present puppet theatre that celebrates the diversity of world cultures; and to teach children and enrich their lives by helping them experience, create and perform art with professional artists." (www.tearsofjoy.com)

[edit] History

Tears of Joy was founded in 1971 by Reg and Janet Bradley in Hawaii. Janet Bradley was
a high school history teacher at the time ("Strings Attached", The Oregonian).
Reg Bradley was a minister. Tears of Joy is the recipient of three Citations of Excellence
in Puppetry Arts (issued by the organization Puppeteers of America). "Petrouchka" won in 1986.
"Jumping Mouse" won in 1989. "Between Two Worlds/The Dybbuk" won its Citation of Excellence in 1994. [1]
"The Dybbuk/Between Two Worlds" based on the folktale written by S. Anksy in 1920.
The script was adapted by puppeteer Mark Levenson, and was directed by Reg Bradley.
The play incorporated cantal and kletzmer music and used bunraku style puppets. The
puppeteers were in full view of the audience, to represent the spirits and ghosts that
haunt the world this tale of deathless love inhabits [2]

[edit] Past Productions

Amongst its puppet productions are the following.
1971-72: The Courageous Dragon, Mumford the Sea Monster, Aslan Meets the Shrinkerman, and Jonah

1972-73: The Legend of Aukelenuiaku, In Babel's Rubble-Fare, and Happy Hours.
1973-74: Nemo of the Four Winds, For Love of Looney.
1974-75: The Bridge of the Gods, Bigfoot in the Backyard, The Breadman Cometh.
1975-76: The Happy Prince, and Alice in Voterland
1976-77: Miser of Tahoma, Trouble at the Fort, and Alice in Wonderland (version 1)
1977-78: Sungura the Hare (version 1)
1978-79: The Black Heart of Indri
1979-80: You Are What You Eat (Nutrition Show), Inanna in the Underworld, and Rime of the Ancient Mariner
1980-81: The Magic Calliope, Onion Skin Soup, THE MASQUE COMPANY
1981-82: Coyote and the Cedar Tree, Faces in Time (MASQUE Co.), Frogs (MASQUE Co.), Sungura the Hare (version 2)
1982-83: Lessons for a Sumo
1983-84: Jabberwocky, and A Pig's Tale
1984-85: The Gift
1985-86: Petroucka, The Magic Teakettle, Opal.
1986-87: Adventures of Fet Frumos
1987-88: Jumping Mouse
1988-89: Baba Yaga, and Hamitchou, the Miser
1989-90: There's A Nightmare In My Closet, Puppetry in Action
1990-91: Rymchimchi, Aladdin & His Magic Lamp
1991-92 Alice in Wonderland (version 2), Coyote & the Cedar Tree (version 2), How Coyote Kept His Name
1992-93: No new plays produced.
1993-94: Rumpeltstiltskin, Brer Rabbit Tales, Pure Imagination, The Lucky Teakettle of Good Fortune
1994-95: Pied Piper, Monkey King, Between Two Worlds
1995-96: The Amazing Adventures of Coco-Kaba
1996-97: Fire on the Mountain, Toy Box, A Republic If You Can Keep It
1997-98: Jungle Book, Bridge of the Gods.
1998-99: The Secret of Singbonga
1999-00: Singing Our Way Home
2000-01: Cinderella, Toad Prince
2001-02: Coyote Tales, Perseus: Hero of Ancient Greece.
2002-03: Ride the Red Mare
2003-04: Anansi the Spider
2004-05 The Reluctant Dragon and Little One Inch
2005-06: No New Shows
2006-07 The Shoemake and the Elves
2007-08: Pinocchio and Stellaluna

Several guest directors have collaborated with Tears of Joy: Jan Wilkowski from Poland, Josef Krofta from the Czech Republic, and Yang Feng. In addition, Masaya Kiritaki, master of Otome Bunraku.

In November/December of 2006, Tears of Joy produced "To Ride the Red Mare", which current Artistic Director Nancy Aldrich adapted from the book "A Ride On The Red Mare's Back" by Ursula K. Le Guin. Third Angle New Music Ensemble wrote and performed the music.

Upcoming productions include "Fabulas Fabulosas" scheduled for 2008-09.

[edit] References

  1. ^ (http://www.unima-usa.org/citations/74_95.html)
  2. ^ (http://www.jewish-theatre.com/visitor/article_display.aspx?articleID=524). , 2007)

(3) http://www.oregonlive.com/performance/index.ssf/2007/11/welcome_to_the_puppets_of_port.html
(4) http://www.mailtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080111/TEMPO/801110310/-1/TEMPO01
(5) http://books.google.com/books?id=1SZyPA2siV8C&pg=PA214&lpg=PA214&dq=%22tears+of+joy+theatre%22&source=web&ots=gkTlXNAhn0&sig=Kq84jIwfRdR7iNKrR4SWNU3d4G0
(6) http://www.multcolib.org/events/collins/
(7) http://www.tojt.com
(8) http://statesmanjournal.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080124/ENT/801240306/1059
(9) http://www.mtexpress.com/index2.php?ID=2005118971
(10) http://theatreraymondkabbaz.com/EventPageLittleOneInch.html
(11) http://www.ci.loveland.co.us/news/tears%20of%20joy%20puppet%20theatre%209-27-04.htm
(12) http://www.travelportland.com/media/genmedkit/gm_performing_arts.html
(13) http://www.experiencela.com/calendar/eventmore.asp?key=7547