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Collosus is the title of a new series of characters from a non-official comic and their travels throguh the milky way and then the outer reaches of the galaxy.

[edit] story

the new collosus crew first met in the mars refit and repair station, another six members in the crew. the original crew were C-4 the captain of the collosus , Bewulf the co-pilot, Shade the electronics engineer and saille(sal) the scientist. the old crew are all ex-military ,Shade was the engineer of the 201st mechanized lunar control and Saille was the scientist onboard. Bewulf was in the same unit as C-4 and fought on pluto and mars over most of their years. all of them left to join the mercenary crew to see all the galaxy. the new collosus crew are flip,catherine,hazard,aylura,pearla and skitterz.

series one consists of 7 episodes(comics)each comic is about 25 pages(slides) they focus on the first jump to the kathariak system and the combat against the skarthaxians

episode 1 [1]:trouble the crew after meeting for the first time head into the kathariak system.

episode 2 : the skarthaxians land onto the planet and start a invasion. the crew land and meet up with some very odd locals.

episode 3 : hazard,aylura and saille are captured by the cousins of the kathariaks.

episode 4 : C-4 and Bewulf stage an assault aaginst a skarthaxian warship in a attempt to draw. the skarthaxians away.

episode 5 : the collosus is damadged by a plasma torpedo from a leaving warship and its warpdrive enginges collapsed stranding the collosus onboard kathariaks moon.

episode 6 : the time starts to run out for the crew as a oxygen wears low.

episode 7 : the engines are repaired and the crew begin leaving the kathariak system. also a sneak peek at the next series .

[edit] characters

name : C-4 age : 25 gender : male hieght:5ft 2 wieght : 80 kg bio : born in 2205 C-4 joined the earth national defense army (ENDA) with Bewulf when he turned 16. promoted to staff sargeant withing 5 years . Bewulf also achieved the rank of sargeant and was under the command of C-4. C-4 left the military early after meeting a mercenary on pluto. C-4 accquired the collosus from the mercenary when he was killed by a anti-infantry round. He used some of the fighters docked in the Collosus to destroy a Achellion warship. Bewulf dodged a energy beam and it cut through C-4s energy reactors on the fighter.