Tautological one-form

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In mathematics, the tautological one-form is a special 1-form defined on the cotangent bundle T*Q of a manifold Q. The exterior derivative of this form defines a symplectic form giving T*Q the structure of a symplectic manifold. The tautological one-form plays an important role in relating the formalism of Hamiltonian mechanics and Lagrangian mechanics. The tautological one-form is sometimes also called the Liouville one-form, the canonical one-form, or the symplectic potential. A similar object is the canonical vector field on the tangent bundle.

In canonical coordinates, the tautological one-form is given by

\theta = \sum_i p_i dq^i\,

Equivalently, any coordinates on phase space which preserve this structure for the canonical one-form, up to a total differential (exact form), may be called canonical coordinates; transformations between different canonical coordinate systems are known as canonical transformations.

The canonical symplectic form is given by

\omega = -d\theta = \sum_i dq^i \wedge dp_i.


[edit] Coordinate-free definition

The tautological 1-form can also be defined rather abstractly as a form on phase space. Let Q be a manifold and M = T * Q be the cotangent space or phase space. Let

\pi:M\to Q

be the canonical fiber bundle projection, and let

T_\pi:TM \to TQ

be the induced pushforward. Let m be a point on M, however, since M is the cotangent bundle, we can understand m to be a map of the tangent space at q = π(m):

m:T_qQ \to \mathbb{R}.

That is, we have that m is in the fiber of q. The tautological one-form θm at point m is then defined to be

\theta_m = m \circ T_\pi

It is a linear map

\theta_m:T_mM \to \mathbb{R}

and so

\theta:TM \to \mathbb{R}.

[edit] Properties

The tautological one-form is the unique one-form that "cancels" a pullback. That is, let

\beta:Q\to T^*Q

be any 1-form on Q, and β * be its pullback. Then

β * θ = β


β * ω = − dβ

This can be most easily understood in terms of coordinates:

β * θ = β * pidqi = β * pidqi = βidqi = β
i i i

[edit] Action

If H is a Hamiltonian on the cotangent bundle and XH is its Hamiltonian flow, then the corresponding action S is given by

S = θ(XH).

In more prosaic terms, the Hamiltonian flow represents the classical trajectory of a mechanical system obeying the Hamilton-Jacobi equations of motion. The Hamiltonian flow is the integral of the Hamiltonian vector field, and so one writes, using traditional notation for action-angle variables:

S(E) = \sum_i \oint p_i\,dq^i

with the integral understood to be taken over the manifold defined by holding the energy E constant: H = E = const. .

[edit] On metric spaces

If the manifold Q has a Riemannian or pseudo-Riemannian metric g, then corresponding definitions can be made in terms of generalized coordinates. Specifically, if we take the metric to be a map

g:TQ\to T^*Q,

then define

Θ = g * θ


Ω = − dΘ = g * ω

In generalized coordinates (q^1,\ldots,q^n,\dot q^1,\ldots,\dot q^n) on TQ, one has

\Theta=\sum_{ij} g_{ij} \dot q^i dq^j


\Omega= \sum_{ij} g_{ij} \; dq^i \wedge d\dot q^j +
\sum_{ijk} \frac{\partial g_{ij}}{\partial q^k} \; 
\dot q^i\, dq^j \wedge dq^k

The metric allows one to define a unit-radius sphere in T * Q. The canonical one-form restricted to this sphere forms a contact structure; the contact structure may be used to generate the geodesic flow for this metric.

[edit] See also

[edit] References
