User talk:Taran darksid/Talks with Akako archive 1

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[edit] hello again.

Well, I'm not sleeping in today. It's 6:31 here right now. I look forward to hear from ya. Taran 11:34, 27 September 2005 (UTC)

[edit] upcoming rant

Hi! im writing a really really really long rant about my bad day, so i just wanted to let you know that i am writing back! i have to do my homework too, but if i get it all done my mom will let me stay home from school! i really hope she will let me! she is a substitute, and she has a sub job that she cant brake, so ill be home alone! yay! that song, wake me up when september ends, is on right now! i think its starting to be overplayed...oh yes, there was one other thing i was going to say. I no that my rant will sound really really pissy, but im actually quite fine now (mostly because i know that ill be home tomorrow! yay!) you might not get my rant for a long time because i really have to do my homework or else i cant stay home *sob* which would really suck because if i wasnt so happy about being able to stay home, i would be feeling misarable. so dont worry, be happy, and have fun reading my really long and pissy rant! wow im writing a lot, arnt i...i didnt mean to !! oh well!

--Akako 00:24, 28 September 2005 (UTC)

[edit] please excuse my rant

i had a really really bad day today. i get to school almost late, and have to run to spanish, where the teacher spewed nonesence the whole time, stuff that made me wonder if she thought she was teaching kindergarten! Im one of the only freshman in the class, but we seem to get everything better than the seniors that are still in spanish 2! then i go to orcheestra, and get yelled at by Ms Chelgren because im trying to explain things to the bassist who wasnt here yesterday. Akkk! i hate her! she gave a pretty good assignment, though: define music. My definition will be: a langage without words, only feelings in which words are complamentary, defining the sensation

ok, getting back into the flo of a good rant: Next hour, i had gym. we were playing speedball which is kind of like australian football (or so i hear) and it was the last day of the speedball unit. my team was in first place in the whole class, me being an ex-soccer player, having 2 really tall athletic guys (one of whose name is matt!), and two other girls who wernt very good but tryed their best. we were doing pretty, untill we lost like 36 to 10. oops. afterword, i figured out that they had had two extra players. no wonder we lost! i come back, and my lock (off of my gym locker, you may not be familiar with this but we have to change for gym)is gone, and my shirt is on the floor. I find my lock, a couple rows down (although i have to get a friend to open it for me because it hates me:) ) only then do i realise that my sandels are gone! i loved those sandels! *sigh* at least my lock wasnt gone, too. im late for geography (with Mr. Gagnon, pronnounced gan-yo, who is awsome) and by face is flushed because i was almost crying because im still not feeling well and i really didnt want to be swept, which is where you are late for class, and they dont let you in and you have to go to the auditorium for the whole period and sit quietly in the dark. its called sweeps because they sweep the hallway for the people who are trying to skip. if you get swept, you have to have detention, which i cant afford with the tight schedule that im on for swimming. well, my feeling so pathetic that i almost burst into tears acutally saved me from sweeps, because mr gagnon let me in and asked what was wrong and i said someone stole my sandles and gave a short explanation, and he let me in. Sucess! the rest of the hour was actually quite fun, but then again it allways is!

the really bad stuffs came in english(next hour). I really like ms Zimik, (rhyms with gimick) but we had a test on the greek gods, and i didnt have mys tuf to study, so i was just like, 'oh shit, oh shit, oh shit i dont know this stuff im skrewed' and this time couldnt help myself and started (quietly) crying. i cry way to easily, and have embarressed myself in the past by crying in class, so when i started to cry, im like, 'oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, im crying' and try to stop. i actually succeed, and so im kinda gloting about my success when the teacher finishes passing out the tests and comes up to me and asks whats wrong. 'sorry, bad day. ill be fine in a minit.' i actually know a suprising number of questions, and even if i get a really bad grade she might let me retake it.

unfoutionatly, thats what im hoping for in math, next hour, too! i so dont get matrix multlaplication. my mom, my dad, the math teacher, they all tryed to help me learn but i so didnt get it! i think i flunked the test, but Lynn, another manga reader and japanese learner-in-spare-time, helped me out. it was really funny, because she was coming up with random numvers for the matricies she was trying to teach me to multipy, and they would have these wierd patterns, like they would be the numbers 1-9 in scrambled order in a 3*3 matrix, or the answer would have a obvious pattern, and we just kept cracking up, so that was a lot of fun. sience, 7th hour, just kinda happened, like it allways does. nothing intresting, either good or bad, happened. then, finially, school was over. but my locker wouldnt open! i asked lynn to help, and she ssaid she'd bee there in a minet. she didnt come! at the suggustion of someone with a locker close to me, i kicked it. the locker wouldnt open. i kicked it higher. even though both kicks were forsefull and quite loud, it didnt work. so i backed up almost to the starewell, took a running start, and did a flying double-kick. IT DIDNT WORK!!!! i searched all over for a custodian, finially find one, and he sticks in a key, turns it, and my locker opens. figures.

well, by now i have most definitly missed my bus. i head twords my math class, figuring that i can probbably get some help with my math while im stuch at school, when i run into a girl from the swim team! (i dont really like her, but i feel sorry for her because its her first year competitive swiming, and so she is by far the slowest swimmer on the team, a title that i held untill she came) I get a ride from her and i am soooooorelieved that her overextended stories of ferrit food are actually intresting and funny, and im just kind of floating with happyness because things took a turn for the better. i had stoked up on food, so i wasnt hungry, and that was when lynn helped me with my math. practice was kind of hard, but doable, even though i had to take off my drag suit to keep up because im so weak from my cold. then my mom consents and lets me stay home, so now im really really happy! i have to finish my homework now, though.

wow! i dont know if you found it interesting, but it sure felt good to say all of that. the thin about notes is that the keyboard is allways listining to your boring storys. You might agree that its boring (or at least rather long and kinda rambling) but it felt good anyway! *smile*

wow this is really long! sorry, i just realized just how long it was!

akk gotta do HW its 7:56! bedtime! waaa, i gotta stay up, oh well!


--Akako 00:57, 28 September 2005 (UTC)

[edit] I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that you had a bad day.

It wasn't that long, I've read whole online journals that my friends write and they write a lot more then you. Plus I wantyed to read it because I care about my friends (It's just not all my friends care about me *laughs* oh well)

I'm happy that you wrote that rant, It's bad keeping things inside (I keep a lot of things inside myself, So I know how it can hurt)

oh yes, If you haven't guessed by the way I'm talking, I'm really tired but I'm happy that I got on the computer before I went to bed (forgot how much it hurts getting up at 6:20 AM)

Seeing that you'll be home tomorrow, I'll be able to talk to you (WooT! someone to talk with during the day!!!!)

Good night because I'm about to pass out.

Taran 04:15, 28 September 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Breaking down your rant.

Okay, now that I'm awake enough to break it down into smaller parts and talk about it a little without falling asleep at the computer. Lets begin.

"have to run to spanish, where the teacher spewed nonesence the whole time, stuff that made me wonder if she thought she was teaching kindergarten!" Man, I know that feeling. I've run into some adults that talk down to the youth like that and It's annoying.

"we seem to get everything better than the seniors that are still in spanish 2!" Thats good if not just a little sad.

"get yelled at by Ms Chelgren because im trying to explain things to the bassist who wasnt here yesterday." Did you try doing that in class? if yes then I can understand why "Ms Chelgren" was a little upset.

"me being an ex-soccer player" How many things have you done?

"(one of whose name is matt!)" There are a lot of Matthews in this world. I think the reason is Matthew is in the bible and everyone wants to have a kid named "Matthew" *laughs*

"untill we lost like 36 to 10" ouch.

"i figured out that they had had two extra players." Still a ouch but not as bad as if they had less people on their team.

"(off of my gym locker, you may not be familiar with this but we have to change for gym)" Thats one of those things no one told me but I always knew.

"only then do i realise that my sandels are gone!" That really bites..

"because mr gagnon let me in and asked what was wrong and i said someone stole my sandles and gave a short explanation, and he let me in. Sucess!" That worked well for you. (Question, Are the sandels that you lost and the sandels you had at the gathering, one and the same?)

"i cry way to easily" There is nothing wrong with crying. (Unless it gives you a headache like it does with me!)

"have embarressed myself in the past by crying in class" I don't know what schools are like, So I have no clue what the kids reaction is to that.

"unfoutionatly, thats what im hoping for in math" I'm good in math, As long as I know what I'm going, I get a lot of questions right (The best I've done in math in the last month is I got 29 out of 30 questions right. Worse, I got 26 out of 30 questions right)

"they would have these wierd patterns, like they would be the numbers 1-9 in scrambled order in a 3*3 matrix, or the answer would have a obvious pattern, and we just kept cracking up, so that was a lot of fun" Fun :)

" the locker wouldnt open. i kicked it higher. even though both kicks were forsefull and quite loud, it didnt work. so i backed up almost to the starewell, took a running start, and did a flying double-kick. IT DIDNT WORK!!!!" Remind me to never make you mad *looks scared*

" i searched all over for a custodian, finially find one, and he sticks in a key, turns it, and my locker opens. figures." Thats life for you. What did you do to the locker to make it hate you so much?

"I get a ride from her and i am soooooorelieved that her overextended stories of ferrit food are actually intresting and funny" Ferrit food??? not going to ask. *laugh*

"im just kind of floating with happyness because things took a turn for the better." I'm happy that it all worked out for the best.

"im so weak from my cold" Poor thing, I hope you get better soon :)

"wow! i dont know if you found it interesting, but it sure felt good to say all of that. the thin about notes is that the keyboard is allways listining to your boring storys. You might agree that its boring (or at least rather long and kinda rambling) but it felt good anyway! *smile*" If I found it not interesting, I don't think I'd take the time to write this knowing I've already replyed to it once. I'm happy that you trusted me enought to post it here where I can read it.

It's Almost 4 PM. Talk to you later, Take care of yourself.

Taran 20:55, 28 September 2005 (UTC)

[edit] stayed home

went to the dr.s office yesterday, i dont have mono, but my mom let me stay home, unfortunatly she took my laptop with her when she went to go sub. gotta go, still not suppose to be on. oh yess, you should put some more about u on ur user page. I only have one pare of sandels that i ware a lot, so they were probbably the same ones. I have no idea what i did to the locker *smile*. really really gotta go bye! --Akako 23:26, 29 September 2005 (UTC)

[edit] ah.

So, Thats why you didn't post back yesterday knowing you stayed home. Get a desktop computer, It's harder for your parents to take it with them (Knowing they can take the power cord with them but thats easy to get around if your smart about it.).

I know that I should add more stuff to my page but I don't know what to add at this point in time.

I'm sure your locker will forgive you someday (Whatever it was you did to it).

Take care of yourself.

It's 10 PM here. Taran

[edit] snuck on

she took the wirless card, my dad has the rest blocked from my uss sorry bye

[edit] Hum.

I bet ya I can find a way around the blocks given enough time on your computer. 5PM Here Taran

[edit] Hi!

I'm going to a wedding today. So, I won't be home. I'l try and call you tomorrow after church. Bye

8:21 AM Taran

[edit] exept for not

you have no idea how paronoid my dad is about that kind of thing, its hard to hack a computer if you dont have any acess to the network or other computers or anything; even if i had tryed i wouldnt have gotten on the net, and i doubt that anyone could have even you or even my dad, who set the system up, could let me back onto my computer with internet. not that he wanted to... i wasnt home the day i went to the dr.s office, my mom changed her mind, thats why i didnt write back, just wanted to clarify.

im not feeling to well (a good indication of this is that i woke up at 7:00 which i dont think ive ever done before. dont feel bad though i finally had time to read the 2nd responce to my rant more in depth. What did you do to the locker to make it hate you so much? beats me, i apologised and everything! *smile*

I'm happy that you wrote that rant, It's bad keeping things inside (I keep a lot of things inside myself, So I know how it can hurt) I want you to be able to share things with me as well. also, check out some of my [1]

im writing this in snatches of time, sorry that its so disorganized, i got my wierless back but my dads home& so i still am not suppose to be on. you are probbably up by now,


its 9:05

--Akako 14:07, 1 October 2005 (UTC)

just saw that you said u were going to a wedding

hope u see this before you leave