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Tanzania Education and Information Services was a trust, functioning as an NGO, located and registered in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The name TanEdu was derived from the first three characters of the first two words of the NGO's title.

The original TanEdu Project proposal was initiated in February 2002 during a Roundtable Conference held in Bagamoyo, for the representatives all stake holders of Education in Tanzania. The final project proposal was written during the course of 2002. It was approved and supported by the Dutch non-profit foundation, the International Institute for Communication and Development (IICD).

TanEdu's raison d'etre was to create a knowledge society in Tanzania by providing educational information and services by the most efficient means. This meant using the power of the internet.

TanEdu maintained a website on which it posts links to all the educational information of possible interest to Tanzanians. Through the website it aimed to provide educational and information resources to students, parents and teachers, free of charge, and on a continuous basis. The web site provided information on schools and colleges in Tanzania, and gives access to meaningful, practical, and useful educational resources such as teaching tips, study skills, memory skills, and much more.

It also published a quarterly educational newsletter in publishing runs of 10,000 copies, and distributed them by mail to every secondary school in the country. TanEdu's mission and goal was to provide accurate, reliable, and instantly available educational information in Tanzania, by the most up-to-date means possible, on a regular basis.

On April 4, 2008, TanEdu ceased operations due to a lack of funding.