Tama people

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Tama is an ethnic group in Chad and Sudan. They speak Tama language, a Nilo-Saharan language. They likely number more than 50,000.

Most Tama people in Sudan are settled in Kabkabyia, in Northern Darfur.

The Tama are considered to be "African" but are often perceived as Arab due to their Awlad Tamim roots from Saudi Arabia.

In the Darfur conflict, they were not directly targeted by the Janjaweed attacks, but some of them were killed in the context of collateral damage. Moreover, there are some unverified allegations of them being close to the government and the Janjaweed.

Even all over the world people know Tama ethnic and their settle in Sudan look to the Sudanese historical issuse there is nothing about Tama and their history in Sudan, but (2000 years of history could not be wiped easily) Bakri Tama