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Takama-ga-hara (also Takaamahara, Taka-no-amahara, Takamanohara, Takamagahara) (Japanese: 高天原 [たかあまはら、たかのあまはら、たかまのはら、たかまがはら]), literally "High Heaven's Plain" but often translated as the "High Plain of Heaven," is a place in Japanese mythology. In Shinto, Takama-ga-hara is the dwelling place of the Kami. It is believed to be connected to the Earth by the bridge Ama-no uki-hashi (the "Floating Bridge of Heaven"). In Shinto worship, the kami are invited to leave Takama-ga-hara and enter a shrine or some other purified place.

[edit] Other

Mount Takamagahara is a mountain in Gunma Prefecture in which JAL 123 crashed into.

[edit] References

Japanese mythology and folklore

Mythic texts and folktales:
Kojiki | Nihon Shoki | Otogizōshi | Yotsuya Kaidan
Urashima Tarō | Kintarō | Momotarō | Tamamo-no-Mae
Izanami | Izanagi | Amaterasu
Susanoo | Ame-no-Uzume | Inari
List of divinities | Kami | Seven Lucky Gods
Legendary creatures:
Oni | Kappa | Tengu | Tanuki | Fox | Yōkai | Dragon
Mythical and sacred locations:
Mt. Hiei | Mt. Fuji | Izumo | Ryūgū-jō | Takamagahara | Yomi

Religions | Sacred objects | Creatures and spirits