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Taiki is the infamous leader of the GBLT terrorist group Scrapbookers of San Francisco. He is currently in hiding facing charges of mass sodomy. His preferred victims include bisexual website owners named Tommy, Jesus Christ and Clay Aiken. Detracters argue that his Christian Magic is the sole reason that the nefarious organization known as Sakuracon is still in existance today and that only by defeating him can this wrong be set right. However, a significant minority argues that Taiki is this century's manifestation of Musashi and that he must remain free to sodomize Jesus Christ in what will be known as the second coming.
Taiki was born Fredrick von Fredrick the First, esquire on August 22nd, 1982. He lost the title esquire at the young age of 3 and was forbidden to practice law in any state of the continental United States due to his role in the creation of New Coke. His disdain for the reintroduction of the old formula is believed to be the driving factor in his inability to keep long-term relationships, as well as his rampant case of faggotry.
Taiki is a black lesbian mexican communist nazi jew gook
lolololol @ taiki
Simply put, Taiki is awesome.
Taiki is one crazy nigga. He took on both Chuck Norris AND Jack Bauer...and lived to tell about it. In fact he and Taiki go out for beers every Thursday night, while Jack Bauer fills Taiki's mailbox with love letters scented in AXE Phoenix. Regardless, Taiki is a crazy nigga who is nuttin to fuck wit.
In August of 2003 Taiki fought 7 nazis off with just his fists and a paper airplane. He could be heard saying "don't fuck wit me" as he collapsed their skulls.
For April Fool's Day 2006, Taiki fooled a few people into thinking he had gotten his nipples pierced. This gave way to an as-yet unsatified desire to acutally have it done, despite the discouragement of his friends.