Taiwan Strait Tunnel Project

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Taiwan Strait Tunnel Project is a proposed Undersea tunnel or bridge to link Mainland China to Taiwan by both sides of the strait. One of the five tunnels expected to be made in the next 20 to 30 years will link Pingtan, the closest country to Taiwan and Hsinchu, which is 124 kilometers away. [1] The other four tunnels may be established between Hong Kong-Macao-Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Zhuhai, Dalian-Yantai, Shanghai-Ningbo, and Guangdong-Hainan. The project also includes the construction of some bridges in areas that have technical problems with the rock and soil. Construction has begun on the first tunnel in Xiamen, Fujian. The 9 kilometer tunnel of which 6 of the kilometers is under the sea, is expected to be completed in the year 2010. [2]


[edit] Planification

In April of 2007, one seminar was held by traffic association of Fujian Province and Taiwan Chinese road association to discuss the project. The meeting explored structures, technologies and research endeavors for the “passway”. Scholars and experts are still considering many engineering, technical, and construction issues for both sides of the Taiwan Strait.[3]

[edit] Socialeconomic impact

It is envisaged to boost the economic ties between the two sides. China’s mainland and Taiwan’s future economic growth will be furthered by the progress of economic trade and social ties. The tunnel will also be restrictive by factors as a result of the socioeconomic impact that travels will affect.[4]

[edit] References

[edit] External links
