
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Taharoa is a small village on the West coast of the North Island of New Zealand. Its main source of revenue is through iron sand mining run by Broken Hill Productions (BHP). Although the majority of the population of Taharoa is Māori, it is a social and racially developed township. The township is approximately 45min from Kawhia.The village consist of a 1 school contain at least 30 to 40 students and a small kohanga reo consisting of at least 12 to 13 students (kindergarten), the village has one supperette and the local pub.

History It was once the home of the great Te rauparaha and by 1822 they were being forced out of their land. Te Rauparaha then began a fighting retreat or migration southwards, one which ended with them controlling the southern part of the North Island and particularly Kapiti Island, which became the tribal stronghold.