Tab Mix Plus

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Mozilla Firefox
Origins and Lineage
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Tab Mix Plus (often abbreviated as TMP) is a Mozilla Firefox extension that improves and adds to the tabbed browsing functions in Firefox. It is a popular extension on Mozilla Add-ons, which records download statistics. TMP is a collection of features from other extensions built in one package. [1]


[edit] Functions

(A current list is available from Mozilla Addons)

  • Duplicates tabs
    • Opens a new tab with the same page and back/forward history
  • Controls tab focus
    • Allows the user to choose whether new tabs will be selected when created by various events (such as linking, opening bookmarks, etc.)
  • Java script decompiling
    • Allows java script to be forced into a separate tab instead of a pop-up box, and allows the user to view the url of the java script page.
  • Changes handling of input
    • Some clicks, points, and key-presses can be assigned new tab-related functions
  • Recovers closed tabs and windows
    • Saves information about tabs and windows as they are closed, allowing the user to "undo" closing them, including retaining written information from the user (eg in a wikipedia edit page)
  • Session Manager and Crash Recovery
    • Similar to bookmarks, saves the current set of open windows and tabs (and associated history) on command and in preparation for a crash (see Session Saver extension)

[edit] Criticism

Tab Mix Plus was incompatible with Firefox 2.0 for 2 weeks after its release, resulting in many thousands of people uninstalling 2.0. Critics also point out that TMP is quite large and may be experiencing software bloat. The author, "CPU", wrote in response: "Concerning the bloatness factor, the extension seems a bit too big but that is only because over 20 languages are included. These add more than 100kb in size." [2]

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ Public recognition of the extensions used in Tab Mix Plus-Tab Mix Plus
  2. ^ Developer Comments section