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T.J. Willis
Dunedin, New Zealand
45°52′S 170°30′E
In this day and age, with the world frantic and new discoveries being made daily (and further dangers accompanying them), information and knowledge is the greatest asset our generation has to save civilization from ourselves. Since the dawn of time, humanity has ceaselessly endeavored to better our position at the height of this planets food chain. Many efforts have been made by separate groups to establish the greatest foothold over their fellow man, and few have achieved this with any remote success. Thus, to ensure we are here long enough to establish the next generation, the men and women of the Age of Aquarius must enlighten themselves with the wealth of knowledge that is now so easily accessible thanks to giant leaps forward in technology in the recent decades.
For humanity this can either be the dawning of our greatest age of civilization yet, or, as history has demonstrated too frequently, the fall of yet another society, and the loss of knowledge such an event brings. It is my submission that man must bind together, and fight for what is the truth, above all else, for the betterment of humanity.
After all, we are all one species, and as such the needs of the collective should surpass the needs of the individual. I for one seek to attain knowledge and receive a gleam of wisdom from that, in order to do something to avoid the destruction of one another, and our world.
Timothy Willis