T. K. Madhavan

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A social revolutionary of Kerala, India who led the struggle against untouchability which was known as Vaikam Satyagraha. One of the great reformist leaders of modern Kerala , born on September 2, 1885 at Karthikappally, son of Sri. Kesavan Channar of Alummoottil family and Smt. Ummini Amma of Komalezhathu family.He learned Sanskrit from Earezha Kochukunju Assan and English from P.Subhramanya pillai.Right from his school days Madhavan was against untouchability and inequality. T.K.Madhavan was a distinguished personality dedicated for social work. He relentlessly worked for the uplift of oppressed communities. He was an outstanding organizer and great orator and his excellent style of presentation attracted many. In 1917 he took over Desabhimani daily. He was the founder of Temple Entry Movement, which fought for the entry of oppressed and low-caste communities to the temples of Kerala.In all his speeches he pressed the demand for Temple entry proclamation.T K Madhavan met Gandhiji at Thirunalveli.Where he could even persuade Mahatma Gandhi to visit Vaikam.Vaikam Satyagraha was a struggle of the backward class people of Kerala for establishing their right to walk through the temple roads of Vaikam a small temple town in South Kerala .Gandhiji agreed to include the issue in the agenda of the Congress. In 1918 T K Madhavan was elected to the Sree Moolam Praja Sabha, a legislative council of Travancore. In the same year he made his maiden speech at the Sree Moolam Assembly inlieu of his uncle Komalezhathu Kunju pillai chekavar. He presented a resolution seeking permission of temple entry and right to worship to all people irrespective of caste and community. In 1924, the famous Vaikom Sathyagraha was started under the leadership of Madhavan, Kelappan, K.P.Kesava Menon etc. to get the right of oppressed class of people to travel through the road in front of Vaikom Mahadeva temple. Madhavan and Kesava Menon were arrested and imprisoned. Finally, the Maharaja of Travancore agreed to open the road to all class of people and the Vaikom Sathyagraha was a great success. However, he had to continue his struggle for the temple entry. In 1927 he was made organizing secretary of the SNDP Yogam.He died at his residence in 1930.A monument was raised in his honour at Chettikulangara.In 1964 T.K.Madhavan memmorial college was founded at Nangiarkulangara. He died on April 27, 1930.

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[edit] Links and references

  • Kerala window [1]
  • Mavelikkara website [2]