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I've taken the liberty of correcting the reference to the Kreis of the Sypniewo south of Margonin and Samotschin/Szamocin. Kr Flatow is where the larger one in West Prussia was. The one on the bank of Lake Margonin was in Kreis Chodziesen (renamed to "Kolmar" {in 1894 I think}).
Also, I'm not sure you can call the one in Kr. Chodziesen an "estate", I've never seen it referred to as such and have seen no references to any manor, other than the one in Margoninsdorf, which was a different estate, but may have had the same owners at times. I suspect that it was more just investment property, probably leased to independant farmers from at least the late 1700s, administered from a distance.
I'll also make some adjustments to your entries on the wiki. Thanks for the contributions!
- I think I may have come across some material that suggests that there may have been an estate in the earlier times. Bwood 19:44, 4 October 2007 (UTC)