Talk:Synchronized Football

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I just tumbled over your article about Synchronized Football, and I must say I'm quite intruiged by this sport. Being a huge fan of regular football I'm very eager to try this sport at some time, but I can't really find any information about it - beyond what your article says. I would really like to get in touch with the association, hoping they could provide me with some more information regarding several subjects on my mind, but maybe you're just as good when it comes to answering them. Anyway, here goes: - Playing with only two players, how would the goal layout look like? Wouldn't it be much like regular football? I'm aware that this sport is not for only two players, but it oughta be fairly compatible if the players are up for it ,but asking this question underlines my agenda of finding out more about this game. As you said it derives from regular football, which is obvious when you look at it, but who invented it? Under what circumstances? Was it former football players who got fed up with playing football the traditional way, or was it all just done on a whim ?

Hope you can find yourself able to answer these questions.

Sincerely yours, vf mb rek.ass