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Synoikismos roughly means "dwelling together" in Greek and was created to oppose hegemony. In the history of ancient Greece, this term refers to the political process by which a group of villages and settlements are synchronized to form a polis. In the poleis, the synoikistes was the person who, according to local tradition, performed the synoikismos, either through his personal influence or by conquest, and subsequently was worshipped as a demi-god. The most notable synoikistes was the mythic or legendary Theseus, who liberated Attica from Cretan hegemony and gave independency back to Greece under leadership of Athens.

[edit] Archaeology

Synoikismos is the name of an ancient Cretan archaeological site on the western fringes of Troullos. Artifacts found at the site include a terracotta bull figurine, a bronze statuette and Late Minoan I pottery.

[edit] References
