Symbols of South Australia

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South Australia is one of Australia's State, and has established several state symbols.


[edit] Official symbols

Symbol Image Adopted Remarks
Flag Flag of South Australia
Flag of South Australia
13 January 1904
Badge State Badge of South Australia
State Badge of South Australia
14 January 1904
Coat of arms Coat of arms of South Australia
Coat of Arms of South Australia
19 April 1984
Colours Red, Blue and Gold 25 November 1982 Red-Pantone 199, Blue-Pantone 295 & Gold-Pantone 137
Floral Sturt's Desert Pea
Swainsona Formosa
Sturt's Desert Pea
23 November 1961
Faunal Hairy Nosed Wombat
Lasiorhinus latifrons
Hairy Nosed Wombat
27 August 1970
Gem Opal
5 August 1985
Marine Leafy Seadragon
Phycodurus eques
Leafy Seadragon
8 February 2001

[edit] Unofficial Emblems

Symbol Image Remarks
Bird Piping Shrike
Gymnorhina tibicen telonocua
Piping Shrike

[edit] See also

[edit] References