Swiss federal election, 1987

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The Swiss federal election, 1987 was a federal election that took place in Switzerland in 1987.

[edit] Results

Party Abbr. Seats  %
Free Democratic Party of Switzerland FDP 51 22.9
Christian Democratic People's Party of Switzerland CVP 42 19.7
Social-Democratic Party SP 42 18.4
Swiss People's Party SVP 25 11.0
Green Party of Switzerland GPS 9 4.9
Ring of Independents LdU 9 4.2
Liberal Party of Switzerland LPS 9 2.7
Progressive Organization Switzerland POCH 3 3.7
Swiss Democrats SD 3 2.9
Evangelical People's Party EVP 3 1.9
Freedom Party of Switzerland FPS 2 2.6
Swiss Labour Party PdA 1 0.8
Federal Democratic Union EDU 0 0.9
Alternative List AL 0 0.4
Christian Social Party CSP 0 0.3
Others --- 1 2.7

[edit] References