Swiss Union of Jewish Students

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The Swiss Union of Jewish Students (SUJS) is the umbrella organization of the 7 Jewish local student/youth unions in Switzerland. SUJS is a member union of the European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS) and of the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS). The unions represented are the following:

- jewpoint, the Basel Union of Jewish Students

- VJSB, the Berne Union of Jewish Students

- VJSF, the Fribourg Union of Jewish Students

- ADEIG, the Geneva Union of Jewish Students

- KOSIT, the Lausanne Union of Jewish Students

- VJSSG, the St.Gallen Union of Jewish Students

- VJSZ, the Zurich Union of Jewish Students

[edit] Member unions





[edit] Umbrella organizations

- European Union of Jewish Students

- World Union of Jewish Students

[edit] Website


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