Sweet Caroline (Prison Break episode)

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Sweet Caroline
Prison Break episode
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 19
Written by Karyn Usher
Directed by Dwight Little
Guest stars Patricia Wettig,
Jeff Perry,
Reggie Lee,
Camille Guaty,
Jason Davis,
Barbara Eve Harris,
Kevin Dunn,
Karl Mekinen
Production no. 2AKJ19
Original airdate March 5, 2007
Season 2 episodes
  1. Manhunt
  2. Otis
  3. Scan
  4. First Down
  5. Map 1213
  6. Subdivision
  7. Buried
  8. Dead Fall
  9. Unearthed
  10. Rendezvous
  11. Bolshoi Booze
  12. Disconnect
  13. The Killing Box
  14. John Doe
  15. The Message
  16. Chicago
  17. Bad Blood
  18. Wash
  19. Sweet Caroline
  20. Panama
  21. Fin Del Camino
  22. Sona
List of Prison Break episodes

"Sweet Caroline" is the 41st episode of the American television series Prison Break and is the 19th episode of its second season. First broadcast on March 5, 2007, the episode was written by Karyn Usher and directed by Dwight Little. The episode's premise features the confrontation between the protagonist, Michael Scofield, and Caroline Reynolds, a major recurring character who was instrumental in framing Lincoln Burrows for her brother's murder. This episode is also one of the few episodes in the second season where the entire regular cast is featured.


[edit] Summary

Benjamin Miles "C-Note" Franklin (Rockmond Dunbar) is attempting suicide by the hangman's knot but is rescued by guards. Later, in the infirmary C-Note persuades a guard to allow him the use of the phone and C-Note tries to contact Mahone, but instead speaks to Agent Wheeler (Jason Davis) and urgently tells Wheeler to tell Mahone "I'll do whatever you want, but don't hurt them". In an interrogation room Agent Wheeler, equipped with a dictaphone tells C-Note "Give me Mahone, and I'll give you your life back"

In Chicago, Illinois US President Caroline Reynolds (Patricia Wettig) arrives at the Grand Carlisle Hotel while Paul Kellerman (Paul Adelstein) watches her through the crosshairs of his sniper rifle.

Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller), Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell), and Sara Tancredi (Sarah Wayne Callies) conclude their meeting with Cooper Green. Lincoln and Michael leave Sara alone, Lincoln to find an old friend to assist in their escape plan and Michael to try and procure a full presidential pardon from Reynolds Lincoln leaves as well.

F.B.I. Agent Alexander Mahone (William Fichtner) arrives at the hotel that Michael and Lincoln had just left and gains access to the room in which only Sara (who silently stays hidden under the bed) remains. When she attempts to leave Mahone appears at the doorway and points his gun at her and demands to know where Michael is. When Sara denies knowing, Mahone verbally recaps to her all the times Sara met with Michael since the escape, assuring her that he is aware of her knowledge of Michael's whereabouts.

At Mexico City International Airport, T-Bag (Robert Knepper) anxiously waits at a luggage carousel for the bag containing Charles Westmoreland's five million dollars. T-Bag spots Brad Bellick (Wade Williams) and slinks away, attempting to find his luggage at the outdoor section of the carousel. A luggage handler spots T-Bag and attempts to stop him. The two struggle, but T-Bag is forced to run as an alarm is sounded.

At a shipyard, Lincoln makes contact with his friend Derrick Sweeney. Lincoln writes his favor on a piece of paper, telling Derrick that he needs it done "today." Derrick agrees, despite asserting that he did not want trouble. Sweeney later gives Lincoln three tickets, as well as a little money and some beers, telling him "Good luck."

During the Presidential rally, Kellerman continues to take aim, as Michael shakes hands with the President. He is quickly apprehended, as the President finds a crumpled note in her hand that states, "We have the tape." Michael is brought to a kitchen in handcuffs and Agent William Kim (Reggie Lee) arrives, ordering his men to leave and confiscate all cameras in the area. Kim attempts to interrogate Michael only to be told he is in "a place you will never find him" in response Kim acquaints Michael with his history of enrollment at a military academy.

Fernando Sucre (Amaury Nolasco) and Maricruz Delgado (Camille Guaty) are at his aunt's home, when they see a newscast on television featuring T-Bag running away from a luggage carousel. He reasons that T-Bag must have been trying to retrieve Westmoreland's money and he tells Maricruz that he intends to collect it but Maricruz persuades him not to, instead he leaves to get cherries.

When he returns he is cornered by Bellick, holding a T-20Z taser and a pair of handcuffs who tells him that Maricruz and his aunt are away, collecting food for "the Snuffleupagus". Bellick escorts a handcuffed Sucre out of his aunt's home, telling him of the circumstances surrounding Haywire's death, informing him of the one hundred thousand dollar rewards on their heads. Sucre then informs Bellick that the five million dollars is nearby, and that he will reveal the location if he agrees to free him in the end. Bellick listens to Sucre's claim with great intrigue.

Back at the hotel, Mahone reveals his pills and consumes one while Sara asks what he is taking, Mahone tosses her a pill and Sara recognizes it telling Mahone that Benzodiazepine is a heavy tranquilizer, and that he is destroying himself and that he urgently needs help. The two have a short scuffle when Sara's mobile phone rings, and Sara uses the opportunity to grab Mahone's gun. She retrieves her phone and leaves the suite. Mahone reveals that he kept the gun unloaded, and calls Agent Lang who follows Sara, presumably to Michael Scofield.

Michael coughs up blood following a beating from agent Kim as President Reynolds appears and tells Agent Kim to leave, he begrudgingly does so. Michael tells Caroline about the tape; he tells the President that twenty different copies in twenty different locations have been hidden, and that the tape will be revealed to the public unless she grants Burrows and himself a full Presidential Pardon. Michael allows her to speak to Lincoln Burrows as he reveals to her the contents of the tape.

As they listen to the tape, it is revealed that Reynolds and her brother Terrence Steadman (Jeff Perry) spoke vaguely about the faking of his death and the framing of Burrows, but most shocking of all, the recording insinuated an incestuous relationship between Reynolds and Steadman. Shocked, the President asks Michael if her brother's suicide was quick and painless. Michael accurately relays to her the the circumstances of Steadman's suicide.

Reynolds informs Michael of the vastness of The Company; she calls herself a pawn, insisting that it is out of her control. She likens The Company to a "cancer" consuming America. Nevertheless, Michael demands a presidential pardon "today," and that it be transmitted verbally on the news, while Michael is allowed to leave the area. Reynolds reluctantly agrees to Michael's terms.

Reynolds meets Agent Kim, and demands that he release Michael, reminding him that she is the Commander in Chief while Kim is a "corporate lackey". Michael is allowed to leave and he waits at a nearby street corner for Sara he happily tells her over the phone that their pardon plan is a success and Michael meets Lincoln to inform him of the apparent success of their plan. The two watch the television, awaiting the presidential news conference.

Agent Kim enters a limousine, where he converses with a suited gentlemen referred to as "Pad Man." Kim informs him of the situation with Caroline; that she normally played ball with the Company but now intends to pardon the brothers. "Pad Man" listens as he holds a file with the name "SONA" emblazoned on it.

Kim stops Caroline before she enters the media room, assuring her that "we know your secret too". President Reynolds speaks to the media, informing them of a very important announcement. Rather than pardoning the brothers, she tells the media that she has "a highly malignant form of cancer", and that she will be resigning from the race and the presidency, effective immediately. Furious, Linc throws a bottle, as the two brothers realize that their only course of action left is to disappear forever.

[edit] Reception

The average total number of viewers received by the episode on its original airdate was 9.73 million, with a household rating of 6% and a household share of 9%.[1]

[edit] Production details

At the campaign rally, banners can be seen promoting Reynolds's campaign website, Reynolds-Again.com. This website, much like Europeangoldfinch.net, exists in the real world and can accordingly be viewed as an Easter egg.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Broadcast TV Ratings for Monday, March 5, 2007. Entertainmentnow.wordpress.com. March 6, 2007. Retrieved on March 8, 2007.

[edit] External links