Swampland in Florida

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A freshwater swamp in Florida.
A freshwater swamp in Florida.

Swampland in Florida refers to decades-old but still recurring real estate scams involving swamp lands misrepresented as being possible to develop, or "buildable". These scams became widely known and now also have meaning as a common figure of speech.

Expressions like "I have swampland in Florida to sell you" or "I have prime swampland to sell you" are slang expressions that the recipient shows gullibility. It says figuratively that someone lacks sense like one who would fall for an old deception or fraud of paying large amounts of money for a worthless item such as swampland. These phrases are often preceded by or imply, "If you believe that then..." Sometimes other swampy locations besides Florida are used in the term.


[edit] Origin of the term

Similar terms came from the early 1900's where con-men would sell landmarks to which no one owns the title such as the Brooklyn Bridge to newly-arrived immigrants in the United States. The phrase about gullibility referring to those events said, "if you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you." Those evolved in the 1960's and 1970's to include fraudulent sales of worthless swampland real estate in Florida.[1]

Though the term originates in the United States, searching the Internet indicates it is now also understood and used in other English-speaking countries.

[edit] Actual value of swampland

The common usage of this term implies that swampland is worthless. Without development or some ability to develop it, it isn't valuable for real estate purposes. There have been cases that swampland was purchased and turned into very valuable property, notably for the creation of Walt Disney World Resort and also to some extent including many developed lands in Florida. On the other hand, there are also arguments made for the value of scenery and wildlife found in swamplands in their natural condition.

[edit] Swampland scams

In the 1960's and 1970's, scammers used nationwide advertising to lure victims to buy Florida real estate without visiting the properties first. The new owners came to find their land was under water in a swamp or in some other way impossible to build upon. As the scam became widely known, California and New York legislators acted in 1963 to restrict this form of false advertising. Florida also enacted the Installment Land Sales Act that year in an effort to restore its reputation.[2]

Swampland scams still occur in Florida. The Internet has brought about a resurgence via online auctions of Florida real estate. Scammers circumvent commercial registration requirements by making one-on-one sales. Over great distances some buyers can be convinced to pay before verifying claims. It usually involves unbuildable swampland misrepresented as if it was buildable in order to fraudulently inflate the sale price.[3][4][5]

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ "...swampland in Florida to sell you". phrases.org.uk (February 20, 2005). Retrieved on 2008-02-02.
  2. ^ Watch out for swamp land sales on the Net. Charlotte (Florida) Sun (June 18, 2005). Retrieved on 2008-02-04.
  3. ^ "Brooklyn bridge buyers, beware". USA Today (September 1, 2006). Retrieved on 2008-02-02.
  4. ^ Swampland sales back in style. Daytona Beach News-Journal (January 9, 2005). Retrieved on 2008-02-04.
  5. ^ Daisy chain of profits: Last one in loses. Tampa Bay Business Journal (May 8, 2006). Retrieved on 2008-02-04.