Swami Niranjanananda

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Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati (born 14 February 1960) is the successor of Paramahamsa Satyananda, founder of Satyananda Yoga, who passed on the worldwide coordination of Satyananda Yoga to Swami Niranjanananda in 1988.

Born in Rajnandgaon, Madhya Pradesh, India, Swami Niranjanananda is considered by his followers to be a yogi from birth. He began his training at Bihar School of Yoga in India at the age of four. In 1971, at the age of ten, he toured extensively in Europe, America and Australia. This experience gave him a deep understanding of the Western mind and society. In 1983 he returned to India and was appointed the Head of Bihar School of Yoga. For the next eleven years, he spearheaded the research and development activities at Ganga Darshan, Shivananda Math and Yoga Research Foundation.

In 1990, he was initiated in tradition of Paramahamsa and in 1993 he was chosen as the successor of Paramahamsa Satyananda. In 1993, he organised a World Yoga Convention on the occasion of the golden jubilee of Sannyasa of his guru. In 1994, he established Bihar Yoga Bharati as the centre for higher studies in the field of Yoga.

Swami Niranjanananda is a modern master of yoga, whose understanding spans both the scientific Western culture and the mystical wisdom of the East.

At present he is the Paramacharya of Bihar Yoga Bharati (Institute for Advanced Studies in the Yogic Sciences) in Munger, Bihar.

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