Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust

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Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust is an American pro-life activism youth organization based out of Los Angeles, California, and is directed by Cheryl Conrad. They are advocates of peaceful, non-violent activism with the purpose of drawing attention to and educating the public about the issue of abortion.[1].

The founder of the group, Jeff White, was jailed for two years (cumulative time) for his participation in actions while a national leader in Operation Rescue. The current Executive Director, Cheryl Conrad, is a 15-year veteran leader in the pro-life movement, and former member of Operation Rescue.

Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust is sometimes abbreviated as "Survivors". The group is composed mainly of youth, directed and advised by adults. The name comes from the assertion of most of their members that they have survived abortion, having been born after 1973, the year in which Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in the United States.

In July 2007, two members of the group were arrested in Wichita, Kansas for disrupting a service at a church attended by abortion provider Dr. George Tiller. [2].

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