Surfrider Beach

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The break on a calm day
The break on a calm day

Surfrider Beach is a famous right-break that had a big impact on the surfing culture in Southern California in the 1960s. Located near the Malibu Pier, it is still probably the most surfed spot in Los Angeles County.

Surfrider Beach has three primary parts to the wave. First Point is a perfect wave that is very popular with longboarders. Some of the standouts include Josh Farberow, Dane Peterson, and the Marshall brothers. On bigger swells, a lot of the shortboard crew from Second and Third Point move down to first to take advantage of the perfect shape.

Second Point is the main wave for high performance surfing. It has a main take off that lines up and connects into the inside called the "kitty bowl". Sometimes barreling, this is where most of the high performance shortboarding takes place. Here you can find locals like Matt Raph, Robert Von Sternberg, Ricky Schaffer, and Allen Sarlo.

Lastly, Third Point which consists of both a left and right. The right usually closes out into Second Point where as the left can go all the way through. On the best south swells of the summer, usually in late August and September, you can get rides from the top of Third all the way to the pier. That's a ride a couple hundred yards long. The crew at third tends to be a bit more localized consisting of surfers like Steven Lippman, Colin Giles, Jordan Tappis, Brett Kozma, and Jesse Kozma.