Surface and Interface Analysis

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Surface and Interface Analysis
Abbreviated title Surf. Interface Anal.
Discipline Chemistry
Language English
Publication details
Publisher John Wiley & Sons (Flag of the United Kingdom United Kingdom)
Publication history 1979 to present
ISSN 1096-9918

Surface and Interface Analysis is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, published in the United Kingdom since 1979 by John Wiley & Sons. In thirteen issues per year, it publishes original research papers dealing with the development and application of techniques for the characterization of surfaces, interfaces and thin films. It is available both online and in print.

The current Editor-in-Chief is John F. Watts from the University of Surrey, UK.[1]


[edit] Impact factor and rank

The 2006 Impact Factor is 1.427. It is ranked number 85 out of 111 in the Physical Chemistry category.[2]

[edit] Highest cited papers

  1. Research Article: 'Calculations of electron inelastic mean free paths. V. Data for 14 organic compounds over the 50-2000 eV range', S. Tanuma, C. J. Powell, D. R. Penn 21(3):165-176 (MAR 1994). Cited 288 times [3].
  2. Research Article: 'Calculations of electron inelastic mean free paths (IMFPS). IV. Evaluation of calculated IMFPs and of the predictive IMFP formula TPP-2 for electron energies between 50 and 2000 eV', S. Tanuma, C. J. Powell, D. R. Penn 20(1):77-89 (JAN 1993). Cited 168 times [3].
  3. Research Article: 'Elastic Scattering Corrections in AES and XPS. II. Estimating Attenuation Lengths and Conditions Required for their Valid Use in Overlayer/Substrate Experiments', P. J. Cumpson, M. P. Seah 25(6)430-446 (JUN 1997). Cited 128 times [3].
  4. Research Article: 'Accuracy of the non-destructive surface nanostructure quantification technique based on analysis of the XPS or AES peak shape ', S. Tougaard 26(4):249-269 (APR 1998). Cited 95 times [3].

[edit] Abstracting and indexing information

MRC is indexed in the following services:[1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Wiley InterScience [1]
  2. ^ Institute for Scientific Information, Journal Citation Reports, 2006
  3. ^ a b c d Web of Science

[edit] External links