Sura drink

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Sura (alcohol) is referred to as an anesthetic by Sushruta (an ancient surgeon in India, 4 B.C.E.) before surgical operation and the other known medical authority (internist) of ancient India, Charaka apparently referred to making a woman with a miscarriage senseless to pain by administering alcoholic drinks like sura, sidhu, arishta, madhu, madira or asava. [1]

The method for preparation appears in the Atharvaveda [2] in the Kandas 5 and 8.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Shri C. DWARAKANATH (1965) Use of opium and cannabis in the traditional systems of medicine in India. UNODC Bulletin on Narcotics. Issue 1, No. 003.
  2. ^ Marianne S. Oort (2002) Sura in the Paippalada Samhita of the Atharvaveda J. Am. Orient. Soc. Vol. 122, No. 2.