Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR

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Composition of the Supreme Soviet[1]
Year 1967 1971 1975 1980
Number of deputies 290 300 320 350
Members of CPSU 67% 68% 67% 67%
Factory workers 51% 50% 50 % 50%
Women 32% 32% 34% 35%
Youth representatives 11% 17% 20 % 20%
With higher education 42% 45% 48% 51%
Re-elected deputies 31% 31% 33% 30%

The Supreme Soviet of the Lithuanian SSR (Lithuanian: Lietuvos TSR Aukščiausioji Taryba), later Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania (Lithuanian: Lietuvos Respublikos Aukščiausioji Taryba) was the supreme soviet (main legislative institution) of the Lithuanian SSR, one of the Soviet republics compromising the Soviet Union. According to the constitution it was very similar to modern democratic parliaments: it had the power to create, amend and ratify the constitution and other laws and appoint officials in the Council of Ministers (the executive branch). However, in reality the Soviet had very little actual power and carried out orders given by the Communist Party of Lithuania.[2]

The Supreme Soviet sessions lasted only several days twice a year and decisions were made unanimously and without much discussion. In between the session the Presidium acted on behalf of the Supreme Soviet. The representatives (180 in 1947 and increasing every election) to the Supreme Soviet were elected in general elections every four (since 1975 - every five) years,[3] but all candidates had to be pre-approved the Communist Party, which did not allow any members of the opposition to run. The first elections were held in 1947 and according to official statistics voter turnout reached 97.91%.[4] Other elections, except for the one in February 1990, were similarly staged.

[edit] Declaration of independence

The Soviet became important political battleground when in late 1980s Lithuanians sought independence or at least autonomy from the Soviet Union. The only legal way to accomplish that was to have the Supreme Soviet declare independence. In February 1990 elections, when for the first time candidates from the opposition were allowed to run, pro-independence Sąjūdis won 96 seats out of 141.[5] During its first session on March 11, 1990 the Soviet elected Vytautas Landsbergis as the chairman and declared Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania. The same day the Soviet changed its name to Supreme Council of the Republic of Lithuania. It is also known as Supreme Council - Reconstituent Seimas (Aukščiausioji Taryba - Atkuriamasis Seimas). The council held it last session on November 11, 1992. It was succeeded by democratically elected Seimas.

[edit] Presidium of the Supreme Soviet

Presidium was the permanent body of the Supreme Soviet. Its chairman de jure was the head of state. The presidium (chairman, two vice-chairmen, secretary, and 13 other members) was elected on the first session of the Soviet.[6] Formally it had great power while the Supreme Soviet was not in session. For example, it could ratify international treaties or amend laws.[6] However, in reality it was a rubber stamp institution for the Communist Party of Lithuania and de facto head of state was the First Secretary of the Communist Party.[2]

The chairmen of the Presidium were:[4]

[edit] References

  1. ^ (Lithuanian) (2005) in Arvydas Anušauskas, et al.: Lietuva, 1940–1990. Vilnius: Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras, 450. ISBN 9986-757-65-7. 
  2. ^ a b (Lithuanian) Kamuntavičius, Rūstis; Vaida Kamuntavičienė, Remigijus Civinskas, Kastytis Antanaitis (2001). Lietuvos istorija 11–12 klasėms. Vilnius: Vaga, 438. ISBN 5-415-01502-7. 
  3. ^ (Lithuanian) "Aukščiausioji Taryba". Tarybų Lietuvos enciklopedija I. (1985). Ed. Jonas Zinkus, et. al. Vilnius, Lithuania: Vyriausioji enciklopedijų redakcija. 132-133. 
  4. ^ a b (Lithuanian) Skirius, Juozas (2002). "Sovietinės Lietuvos valdžios aparato kūrimas", Gimtoji istorija. Nuo 7 iki 12 klasės. Vilnius: Elektroninės leidybos namai. ISBN 9986-9216-9-4. Retrieved on 2008-02-23. 
  5. ^ Supreme Council (Reconstituent Seimas) 1990-1992. Seimas (1999-12-07). Retrieved on 2008-02-23.
  6. ^ a b (Lithuanian) "Aukščiausiosios Tarybos Presidiumas". Tarybų Lietuvos enciklopedija I. (1985). Ed. Jonas Zinkus, et. al. Vilnius, Lithuania: Vyriausioji enciklopedijų redakcija. 133.