Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe

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Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe

SHAPE Emblem
Active 1951-1967
Country NATO
Garrison/HQ Mons, Belgium
Gen Bantz J. Craddock (US)

Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) is the central command of NATO military forces. It is located at Casteau, north of the Belgian city of Mons.[1] From 1951 SHAPE was the headquarters of operational forces in the European theatre (Allied Command Europe, ACE), but since 2003 SHAPE has been the headquarters of Allied Command Operations (ACO) controlling all allied operations worldwide.

SHAPE retained its traditional name with reference to Europe for legal reasons although the geographical scope of its activities was extended in 2003. At that time, NATO's command in Lisbon, historically part of the Atlantic command, was reassigned to ACO. The commanding officer of Allied Command Operations has also retained the title "Supreme Allied Commander Europe" (SACEUR), and continues to be a U.S. four-star general who also serves as Commander, U.S. European Command.


[edit] History

Another logo for SHAPE
Another logo for SHAPE

An integrated military structure for NATO was first established after the Korean War raised questions over the level of Europe's defences. Selecting the first Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) was easy, since everyone’s first choice was the popular and respected U.S. Army General Dwight D. Eisenhower, who had led allied forces in Europe during World War II.[2] On December 19, 1950 the North Atlantic Council announced the appointment of General Eisenhower as the first SACEUR.

General Eisenhower arrived in Paris on January 1, 1951 and quickly set to work with a small multi-national planning group to devise a structure for the new command, Allied Command Europe (ACE) and its new headquarters, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE). The Planning Group worked in the Hotel Astoria in central Paris while construction of a permanent facility began at Rocquencourt, just outside the city.

The SHAPE planners benefited greatly from the existing plans, headquarters and personnel of the Western European Union, a predecessor European defence and security organization, which were incorporated into ACE, so within a few months the basic plans for ACE were ready. In December 1950 it was announced that the forces initially to come under General Eisenhower's command were to be the U.S. Seventh Army in Germany, the British Army of the Rhine, with 2nd & 7th Armoured Divisions, to be bolstered by 11th Armoured Division and a further infantry division, three French divisions in Germany and Austria, the DAnish, Belgian, and Norwegian brigades in Western Germany, and the American and British garrisons in Austria, Trieste, and Berlin. Four days after Eisenhower's arrival in Paris, on 5 January 1951, the Italian defence minister, Signor Pacciardi, announced that three Italian divisions were to be formed as Italy's 'initial contribution to the Atlantic army,' and that these divisions would come under Eisenhower's control.[3]

On April 2, 1951 General Eisenhower signed the activation order for Allied Command Europe and its headquarters at SHAPE. It was decided that the motto of SHAPE should be Vigilia Pretium Libertatis, Latin for "The Price of Freedom is Vigilance." On the same day ACE’s subordinate headquarters in Northern and Central Europe were activated, with the Southern Region following in June. By 1954 ACE's forces consisted of Allied Forces Northern Europe, at Oslo, Allied Forces Central Europe (Fontainebleau), Allied Forces Southern Europe (Paris/Naples) and Allied Forces Mediterranean at Malta.[4] From July 1951-1967 SHAPE was situated in France, at Rocquencourt, west of Paris, in Camp Voluceau, which are the premises that are currently occupied by INRIA.

The initial plans saw the defence of Western Europe from a Soviet invasion resting heavily on nuclear weapons, with conventional forces merely acting as a 'tripwire.'[5] The policy enunciated in Military Committee document MC14/1, issued in December 1952,[6] saw the defence of Germany as principally a delaying action, to allow a line of resistance to be established along the lines of the Ijssel and Rhine rivers. The conventional forces would attempt to hold this line while the allied strategic air forces defeated the Soviets and their allies by destroying their economy and infrastructure. From 1967 however, under 'flexible response,' the aim became to build up conventional forces so that, if possible, nuclear weapons might not be needed. However it was made clear that first use of nuclear weapons might be necessary if the conventional defences were being overwhelmed. Eventually SACEUR was allocated planning control of a small number of US and all the British ballistic missile submarines,[7] and some 7,000 tactical nuclear weapons were deployed in Europe.[8]

[edit] Relocation to Belgium

One of the most significant events in the history of Allied Command Europe (ACE) was France’s withdrawal from NATO’s integrated military structure. This move forced SHAPE and several other ACE headquarters to leave French territory. The divisiveness between France and NATO’s military structure had been brewing for a number of years, as successive French governments had become increasingly incensed with what they perceived to be Anglo-American domination of the command structure and insufficient French influence throughout the command.

In December 1965, French President Charles de Gaulle had just been elected for the second time and France had acquired its own nuclear capability. De Gaulle's efforts to establish a Franco-British–American Security Directorate and gain some French influence over US nuclear weapons based in France had failed, and he hoped to gain a more independent role for France in order to maximise its future global influence and status.

In February 1966 President de Gaulle stated that the changed world order had "stripped NATO of its justification" for military integration and that France was therefore justified in re-asserting her sovereignty over French territory.

Consequently, all allied forces within France’s borders would have to come under French control by April 1969. Soon afterward, France stated that it was withdrawing from the NATO military structure and SHAPE and all the other NATO installations, including NATO Headquarters and Allied Forces Central Europe (AFCENT), must leave French territory by April 1967.

The allies were unsuccessful in their efforts to persuade the French government to reconsider, and France then withdrew the vast majority of its military personnel from NATO military headquarters in July 1966.

The other Allies moved quickly to find new hosts for the headquarters that would have to leave France.[9] Belgium became the host nation for both NATO headquarters and SHAPE. SACEUR Lemnitzer had hoped that SHAPE could be located near to NATO Headquarters, as had been the case in Paris, but the Belgian authorities decided that SHAPE should be located at least 50 kilometres from Brussels, NATO’s new location, because SHAPE was a major wartime military target.

They also said that SHAPE had to be placed on land already owned by the government in order to limit costs and construction time. The Belgian government then offered Camp Casteau, a 2 km² Belgian Army summer training camp near Mons, which was an area in serious need of additional economic investment.

To overcome SHAPE’s objections about the distance from Brussels, the Belgian government agreed to build a high-speed motorway connecting Mons and Brussels. In September 1966 NATO agreed that Belgium should host SHAPE at Casteau.

Six and a half months remained before the French deadline for SHAPE to leave France would expire. A massive seven-day-a-week building programme began, co-ordinated between the Belgian central and local authorities, the building consortium and SHAPE. Highest priority was given to building command and control facilities.

SHAPE closed its facility at Rocquencourt near Paris on 30 March 1967, and the next day held a ceremony to mark the opening of the new headquarters at Casteau. SACEUR Lemnitzer called the construction effort "a miracle of achievement" and praised the Belgian authorities and workmen for their efforts to ensure that SHAPE had a new headquarters in a remarkably short time.

The drawdown of the British Mediterranean Fleet, the military difficulties of the politically-decided command structure, and the withdrawal of the French from the military command structure forced a rearrangement of the command arrangements in the southern region. Allied Forces Mediterranean was disbanded on 5 June 1967, and all forces in the south and the Mediterranean assigned to AFSOUTH in Naples.[10] This left SHAPE and Allied Command Europe with three commands: AFNORTH covering Norway and Denmark, AFCENT most of Germany, and AFSOUTH Italy, Turkey, Greece, and the rest of the southern region.

[edit] The 1970s and After

The headquarters' new home in Mons, Belgium, was the center of international attention from time to time as new Supreme Allied Commanders came and went, with one of the more notable being General Alexander M. Haig, Jr. Haig, who had retired from military service in order to serve as White House Chief of Staff for President Richard M. Nixon during the depths of the Watergate crisis, was abruptly installed as SACEUR after Watergate's denouement. Haig's successor, General Bernard Rogers, became somewhat of an institution in Europe as the former U.S. Army chief of staff occupied the office for nearly eight years; a brief outcry arose from the other NATO capitals when Rogers was slated for retirement by the U.S. administration in 1987.

[edit] Command Structure 1982

Source: IISS Military Balance 1981-82, p.25 ACE in 1986 had three major subordinate commands (MSCs), one each for Northern, Central, and Southern Europe, as well as smaller commands.

  • Allied Forces Northern Europe HQ Kolsaas, Norway
    • Allied Forces North Norway (Bodo)
    • Allied Forces South Norway (Oslo)
    • Allied Forces Baltic Approaches (Karup)
      • Allied Land Forces, Schleswig-Holstein and Jutland
      • Allied Land Forces, Zealand
      • Allied Air Forces, Baltic Approaches
      • Allied Naval Forces, Baltic Approaches
  • NATO Airborne Early Warning Force Maisieres, Belgium
  • Allied Forces Southern Europe HQ Naples, Italy
    • Allied Land Forces Southern Europe Verona, Italy
    • Allied Land Forces Southeastern Europe Izmir, Turkey
    • Allied Air Forces Southern Europe Naples, Italy
    • Allied Naval Forces Southern Europe Naples, Italy
      • Maritime Air Forces Mediterranean
      • Submarine Force Mediterranean
      • Naval On-Call Force Mediterranean
      • Commander Western Mediterranean
      • Commander Central Mediterranean
      • Commander Eastern Mediterranean
      • Commander Northeastern Mediterranean

After much discussion within the Alliance, ACE's three-command system was reduced to two commands after 1996, one for north of the Alps and one for south of the Alps. The United States had wished to retain three commands, arguing that 'the span of control might be excessive.'[11] It was feared by Pentagon officials at the time that if the two-command structure was adopted, some functions at the MSC level would have had to be moved 'downward' in the new structure. But while the United States eventually had to give in on a reduction to two commands, it was successful in that a European officer was not placed in charge of the new southern command (now Allied Joint Force Command Naples), a move which France and Germany supported. Despite French President Jacques Chirac reportedly called Bill Clinton personally over the issue, the United States stood firm and today an American admiral remains in charge of the Naples command.

An early retirement again disrupted the Mons headquarters in 2000 as General Wesley Clark was shunted aside in favor of Air Force general Joseph Ralston. Although the move was publicly characterized as a purely administrative move necessitated by Clark's approaching retirement and the lack of an open four-star slot for the highly respected Ralston [a reality which would have compelled him to either accept a temporary demotion to two-star rank or retire from the service], Clark's relief--leaked to the press before he was personally informed--has been often seen as a slap at the general on the part of a Pentagon leadership that had been very much at odds with him during the Kosovo war the previous spring.[12]

In 2003, a French flag was set up in the SHAPE headquarters in Mons following the return, after almost forty years, of French military officers to the HQ [13]. 15 French military officers, including General Jean-Jacques Bart, work there, on a total amount of 1,100 persons [13]. They are however considered as "inserted," and not as "integrated," as they can not be ordered to move without previous French approval [13].

[edit] Structure

Today Allied Command Operations (ACO) is one of the two supreme commands of NATO (the other being Allied Command Transformation, ACT).

There are three main headquarters under Allied Command Operations:

Allied Command Operations is also responsible for most of the NATO Force Structure's organisations, six "Rapidly Deployable Corps Headquarters" and a naval headquarters:

  • Allied Command Europe Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRC) HQ, in Rheindahlen, Germany
  • Eurocorps HQ, in Strasbourg, France
  • Rapid Deployable Italian Corps, in Milan, Italy
  • Rapid Deployable Turkish Corps HQ/III Corps, in Istanbul, Turkey
  • Rapid Deployable German-Netherlands Corps HQ, in Münster, Germany
  • Rapid Deployable Spanish Corps HQ, in Valencia, Spain
  • Naval Striking and Support Force NATO (STRIKFORNATO), Gaeta, Italy (lead nation USA, commanded by Commander United States Sixth Fleet)

As more capable rapid reaction forces were established, earlier 'fire brigades,' including the Allied Command Europe (ACE) Mobile Force - Land (AMF(L), were disbanded; AMF(L) was disbanded on 30 or 31 October 2002.[14]

SHAPE's Structure

In addition to this Allied Command Operations has at its disposal standing forces such as:

ACO is likely to also take command at some point of the NATO Strategic Airlift Capability, whose first C-17 Globemaster IIIs will be delivered in mid 2008. It coordinates airlift and sealift through the multinational Movement Coordination Centre Europe, at Eindhoven Airport in the Netherlands. Airlift support for the travels of the SACEUR are provided by the 309th Airlift Squadron at Chièvres Air Base, Belgium.

[edit] Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR)

The position of Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, head of Allied Command Europe, since 2003 head of Allied Command Operations has been held by the following:

Name Branch Term began Term ended
1. General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower U.S. Army April 2, 1951 May 30, 1952
2. General Matthew Ridgway U.S. Army May 30, 1952 July 11, 1953
3. General Alfred Gruenther U.S. Army July 1, 1953 November 20, 1956
4. General Lauris Norstad U.S. Air Force November 20, 1956 January 1, 1963
5. General Lyman Lemnitzer U.S. Army January 1, 1963 July 1, 1969
6. General Andrew Goodpaster U.S. Army July 1, 1969 December 15, 1974
7. General Alexander M. Haig, Jr. U.S. Army December 15, 1974 July 1, 1979
8. General Bernard W. Rogers U.S. Army July 1, 1979 June 26, 1987
9. General John Galvin U.S. Army June 26, 1987 June 23, 1992
10. General John Shalikashvili U.S. Army June 23, 1992 October 22, 1993
11. General George Joulwan U.S. Army October 22, 1993 July 11, 1997
12. General Wesley Clark U.S. Army July 11, 1997 May 3, 2000
13. General Joseph Ralston U.S. Air Force May 3, 2000 January 17, 2003
14. General James L. Jones U.S. Marine Corps January 17, 2003 December 07, 2006
15. General Bantz J. Craddock U.S. Army December 07, 2006

Note: Starting with Ridgway, all SACEUR have also simultaneously been Commander-in-Chief, now simply Commander, United States European Command

[edit] Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (Deputy SACEUR)

The position of deputy head of Allied Command Europe, since 2003 deputy head of Allied Command Operations has been held by the following officers. From January 1978 until June 1993 there were two Deputy SACEURs, one British and one German, but from July 1993 this reverted to a single Deputy SACEUR.

Name Branch Term began Term ended
1. Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery British Army April 2, 1951 September 23, 1958
2. General Sir Richard Gale British Army September 23, 1958 September 22, 1960
3. General Sir Hugh Stockwell British Army September 22, 1960 January 1, 1964
4. Marshal of the RAF Sir Thomas Pike Royal Air Force January 1, 1964 March 1, 1967
5. General Sir Robert Bray British Army March 1, 1967 December 1, 1970
6. General Sir Desmond Fitzpatrick British Army December 1, 1970 November 12, 1973
7. General Sir John Mogg British Army November 12, 1973 March 12, 1976
8. General Sir Harry Tuzo British Army March 12, 1976 November 2, 1978
9. Lt General G Schmueckle German Army January 3, 1978 April 1, 1980
10. General Sir Jack Harman British Army November 2, 1978 April 9, 1981
11. Admiral G Luther German Navy April 1, 1980 April 1, 1982
12. Air Chief Marshal Sir Peter Terry Royal Air Force April 9, 1981 July 16, 1984
13. General G Kiessling German Army April 1, 1982 April 2, 1984
14. General H J Mack German Army April 2, 1984 October 1, 1987
15. General Sir Edward Burgess British Army July 16, 1984 June 26, 1987
16. General Sir John Akehurst British Army June 26, 1987 January 17, 1990
17. General E Eimler German Air Force October 1, 1987 October 2, 1990
18. General Sir Brian Kenny British Army January 17, 1990 April 5, 1993
19. General D Clauss German Army October 2, 1990 July 1, 1993
20. General Sir John Waters British Army April 5, 1993 December 12, 1994
21. General Sir Jeremy MacKenzie British Army December 12, 1994 November 30, 1998
22. General Sir Rupert Smith British Army November 30, 1998 September 17, 2001
23. General Dieter Stöckmann German Army September 17, 2001 September 18, 2002
24. Admiral Rainer Feist German Navy September 18, 2002 October 2004
25. General Sir John Reith British Army October 2004 October 2007
26. General Sir John McColl[15] British Army October 2007 incumbent
Flags of the Nato countries in front of SHAPE (Maisières - Belgium - 2006).
Flags of the Nato countries in front of SHAPE (Maisières - Belgium - 2006).

[edit] References

  1. ^ SHAPE, 7010 Casteau Belgium SHAPE on NATO homepage. Retrieved on 2006-03-12.
  2. ^ NATO, History of SHAPE and Allied Command Operations, updated 14 March 2007
  3. ^ Brian L. Davis, NATO Forces: An Illustrated Reference to their Organization and Insignia, Blandford Press, London, 1988, p.20
  4. ^ Lord Ismay, NATO: The First Five Years 1949-54, Chart 9: Allied Command Europe July 1954
  5. ^ David C. Isby & Charles Kamps Jr, Armies of NATO's Central Front, Jane's Publishing Company Ltd 1985, p.15
  6. ^ For the original document see NATO, [ Military Committee 14/1], accessed June 2008
  7. ^ IISS Military Balance 1982, p.24
  8. ^ 'US Security Issues in Europe,' 93rd Congress, 1973, p.13, cited in William Park 'Defending the West,' Wheatsheaf Books, 1986, p.30
  9. ^ Original SHAPE relocation article
  10. ^ Franco Veltri, AFSOUTH 1951-2004: Over Fifty Years Working for Peace and Stability, AFSOUTH, April 2004
  11. ^ Barbara Starr, 'Allies want a simplified command for Europe,' Jane's Defence Weekly, 16 October 1996, p.6
  12. ^ Intel Dump
  13. ^ a b c Arnaud De La Grange, La France amorce un "mouvement" vers l’Otan, Le Figaro, 26 September 2007 (French)
  14. ^ NATO Press Release (2002)098 - 12 August 2002
  15. ^ British Army Officer Post Announcements, 9 May 2007

[edit] External links, Further Reading

  • Jordan, Robert S. Norstad: Cold War NATO Supreme Commander—Airman, Strategist, Diplomat St. Martin's Press, 2000. 350 pp.
  • Allied Command Operation Sitrep

Coordinates: 50°29′57.70″N, 3°59′1.95″E