Supreme (cookery)

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This page refers to supreme as a term used in cookery. For other uses see supreme.

In cookery, the term supreme (or suprême) is used to describe a boneless and skinless breast of chicken (in French: suprême de volaille), or the same cut of duck (suprême de canard), or other birds. By extension the term has come to mean something from which all skin, bones, and other parts which are not eaten have been removed. The term can, for example, be applied to a skinless fish fillet.

To supreme a citrus fruit is to remove the skin, pith, membranes, and seeds, and to separate its segments. Used as a noun, a supreme can be a wedge of citrus fruit prepared in this way.

Supreme can also be used as a term in cookery in the following ways:

  • as a rich white sauce made of chicken stock and cream, a sauce suprême
  • a dish dressed with a sauce suprême, e.g. a suprême of barracuda
  • a tall sorbet glass
  • a dessert served in a supreme