Supnick matrix
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A Supnick matrix or Supnick array – named after Fred Supnick of the City College of New York, who introduced the notion in 1957 – is a Monge array which is also a symmetric matrix.
[edit] Mathematical definition
A Supnick matrix is a square Monge array that is symmetric around the main diagonal.
An n-by-n matrix is a Supnick matrix if, for all i, j, k, l such that if
- and
and also
A logically equivalent definition is given by Rudolf & Woeginger who in 1995 proved that
- A matrix is a Supnick matrix iff it can be written as the sum of a sum matrix S and a non-negative linear combination of LL-UR block matrices.
The sum matrix is defined in terms of a sequence of n real numbers {αi}:
and an LL-UR block matrix consists of two symmetrically placed rectangles in the lower-left and upper right corners for which aij = 1, with all the rest of the matrix elements equal to zero.
[edit] Properties
Adding two Supnick matrices together will result in a new Supnick matrix (Deineko and Woeginger 2006).
Multiplying a Supnick matrix by a non-negative real number produces a new Supnick matrix (Deineko and Woeginger 2006).
If the distance matrix in a traveling salesman problem can be written as a Supnick matrix, that particular instance of the problem admits an easy solution (even though the problem is, in general, NP hard).
[edit] References
- Supnick, Fred (July 1957). "Extreme Hamiltonian Lines". The Annals of Mathematics (2nd series) 66 (1): 179–201.
- Woeginger, Gerhard J. (June 2003). "Computational Problems without Computation". Nieuwarchief 5 (4): 140–147.
- Vladimir G. Deineko and Gerhard J. Woeginger (2006): 'Some problems around travelling salesmen, dart boards, and euro-coins', appeared in the Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), Number 90, October 2006, ISSN 0252-9742, pages 43 - 52. See online edition (PDF).