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Opening title for 'Superjail!'
Title card
Genre Comedy/Action
Developed by Augenblick Studios
Voices of David Wain, Christopher McCulloch
Country of origin Flag of the United States United States
Language(s) English
No. of episodes 2
Running time 11 minutes
Original channel Adult Swim
Original airing May 13, 2007

Superjail! is an American animated television series produced by Augenblick Studios. The pilot was shown on on May 10, 2007 and aired on television on May 13, 2007. The title music for the series introduction is "Rubber Bullets" by 10cc. Superjail is characterized by its sudden shifts in setting and plot, and its extreme graphic violence.

The show centers around the events that take place in a rather unusual jail.


[edit] Characters

The Warden - The Warden is seemingly the creator of Superjail. He is seen wearing a purple suit with a yellow undershirt, a traditional bow tie and gray gloves, as well as having black-colored hair and wide yellow glasses. His behavior is usually manic. After inheriting the jail from his father, the Warden decided he was unhappy with the prison and modified it to suit his wishes, creating Superjail. The Warden has a general distaste for ordinary correctional facilities - as he explains it, he has sworn to "perfect the art of incarceration". The Warden seems to think that everything in Superjail is under his control (which it might be, considering he seems to have the ability to alter reality within the complex), touting everything that goes wrong inside Superjail as his idea. He has an unrequited crush on Alice. In the press release, The Warden has been described as a "sadistic Willy Wonka."[1] Voiced by David Wain.

Jared - Jared is Superjail's uptight accountant. He has a very large head. He is always worrying about what the warden will do next to jeopardize the budget. He's a self-admitted recovering alcoholic and has a talking bottle of liquor in his desk drawer. He is a typical sycophant who agrees with everything the Warden says and compliments him on all his plans.

Alice - Alice is seemingly the only prison guard in Superjail. Alice is in charge of "taking care" of the inmates. Her masculine manner, deep voice and a bulge in her skirt indicate that she may be a transsexual. She frequently dismembers or otherwise mutilates prisoners if they get in her way, though she's also been shown saving them from perils such as a giant squid.

The Twins - The Twins are two blond identical twins who inhabit Superjail. They each have four nipples. For unspecified reasons, the Warden allows them a much higher level of freedom than the staff and prisoners. They have a habit of running around the hidden areas of Superjail, plotting mischief. They seem to be very adept with computers and have a hidden lab beneath Superjail. They are also able to teleport. They enjoy interfering with the Warden's plans. Despite this, the Warden seems to enjoy the chaos they create (to the point of taking credit for it himself).

Jail-bot - Jail-bot is a tombstone-shaped levitating robot that performs menial tasks in and around Superjail, such as piloting vehicles and transporting prisoners. Jail-bot is mute, but possesses a monochrome screen that displays an expressive face. It has two compartments on its sides that hold a seemingly limitless amount of things that it uses to perform its duties. It usually enters a room by smashing through the wall, floor or ceiling.

[edit] Setting

The majority of Superjail is set inside the titular prison. Externally, Superjail appears to be built inside a massive volcano, but internally it seems to constitute its own psychedelic reality, where the fabric of time and space is extremely fluid and changes at the whim of the Warden. According to Jared in the pilot episode, Superjail's inmate population is in excess of 70,000.

[edit] List of episodes

[edit] Season 1: 2007-2008

[edit] Bunny Love

  • episode# Pilot
  • aired: May 13, 2007
  • production code :TBA
  • The Warden plans to dress the prisoners in bunny suits. However, the Twins interfere with the purchase order, causing half of the order to be for wolf suits. When dressed in these suits, the prisoners take on the characteristics of their respective animals, causing a bloodbath.

[edit] Superbar!

  • episode# 1
  • Aired: April 1, 2008
  • production code : 101
  • The Warden opens a bar in Superjail, the Superbar, in an attempt to get a date with Alice. Things take a turn for the worse when Jared falls off the wagon and becomes drunk.

[edit] References

[edit] External links