Superb Starling

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Superb Starling

Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Sturnidae
Genus: Lamprotornis
Species: L. superbus
Binomial name
Lamprotornis superbus
Rüppell, 1845

The Superb Starling (Lamprotornis superbus) is a member of the starling family of birds. It can commonly be found in North East Africa, including Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania.

[edit] Description

This species is 18 to 19 cm (7 to 7.5 inches) long. Adults have black heads and iridescent blue-to-green back, upper breast, wings, and tail. The belly is red-orange, separated from the blue breast by a white bar. The undertail coverts and the wing linings are white. Juveniles have duller plumage with no more than a suggestion of the white breast band. Their irises are brown, later grayish white, eventually the adult's cream-color.

The Superb Starling has a long and loud song consisting of trills and chatters. At midday it gives a softer song of repeated phrases. There are several harsh calls, the most complex of which is described as "a shrill, screeching skerrrreeee-cherrrroo-tcherreeeeeet."

This species feeds on the ground.

[edit] References

[edit] External links