Suneil Mishra
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Suneil Mishra is a videogame industry veteran involved in driving several novel technologies into the PC gaming and semiconductor fields.
After developing automated soundtrack systems for both virtual reality environments and musical scores for computer animations, from 1996 to 2000, Mishra's product management established Aureal (Semiconductor) Inc's A3D technology to become an industry standard for 3D audio rendering in videogames.
While at Aureal, Mishra's A3D team integrated the technology into over one hundred videogame titles released for the Windows PC platform, including leading games like: Jedi_Knight (Lucasarts), Half_Life (Valve) and Unreal (Epic). These games were widely acknowledged for their exceptional use of audio and won numerous game-of-the-year and audio awards as a result, helping to establish A3D as the preeminent PC audio technology at the time, in the early 1990s.
Mishra - in his work at AGEIA Technologies - has also been instrumental in making hardware physics acceleration one of the hottest new technologies to hit the PC videogaming industry since both 3D graphics and 3D audio. Both Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PlayStation 3 have defined large scale physics simulation to be a strong differentiator in content developed for their consoles. {