Sundanese language

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Basa Sunda
Spoken in: Indonesia 
Region: Jawa Barat, Banten, Jakarta, parts of western Jawa Tengah
Total speakers: 27 million
Language family: Austronesian
  Nuclear Malayo-Polynesian
Official status
Official language in: Jawa Barat
Regulated by: no official regulation
Language codes
ISO 639-1: su
ISO 639-2: sun
ISO 639-3: sun

Sundanese (Basa Sunda, literally "language of Sunda") is the language of about 27 million people from the western third of Java or about 15% of the Indonesian population.

It is classified within the Austronesian - Malayo-Polynesian - Western Malayo-Polynesian - Sundic language family and has several dialects based on the locations of the people:

Priangan, which cover the most area of Sunda, is the main dialect of Sundanese language taught in elementary till junior-high schools (equivalent to ninth-year school grade).


[edit] Phonology

Currently, Sundanese is written in the Latin script and its orthography is highly phonetic (see also Sundanese script). There are five pure vowel sounds: a (/ɑ/), é (/ɛ/), i (/i/), o (/ɔ/), u (/ʊ/), and two neutral vowels; e (/ə/), and eu (/oʊ/). The consonantal phonemes (18 - but see below) are rendered by the letters p, b, t, d, k, g, c (pronounced as /tʃ/), j, h, ng (which also occurs initially), ny (/ɳ/), m, n, s (/s/), w, l, r (trilled or flapped) and y. Other consonants that originally appear in Indonesian loanwords mostly transferred into main consonants: f -> p, v -> p, sy -> s, sh -> s, z -> j, and kh (/x/) -> h.

Definition of Sundanese Phonology, according to Yayat Sudaryat (1985:26)says: "Fonologi nyaeta bagean tina elmu basa anu maluruh jeung medar sora-sora basa, prosesna, selang surupna, jeung parobahanana".

There are 16 consonants in Sundanese phonology, according to Yayat Sudaryat (1991,35): "fonem konsonan (contoid) nya eta sora omongan (fonem) anu kawangun ku hawa anu kaluar tina bayah sarta waktu liwat tikoro aya nu ngahalangan. konsonan nu aya dina basa sunda, nyaeta: /b/, /ts/, /d/, /g/, /h/, /dʒ/, /k/, /l/, /m/, /n/, /p/, /r/, /s/, /n/, /t/, /n'/, kuayana pangaruh basa kosta sok kapanggih konsonan /f/, /v/, /z/ mangrupa fomem nu asalna pangaruh basa kosta, saperti dina kecap: fonem, qur'an, xerox, zakat".[clarify]

Based on the statement above, it is clear that the Sundanese language has only 16 consonants, there are three consonants /f, v, z/ which exist in Sundanese as a result of borrowing words, but naturally they are not Sundanese consonants.

Furthermore, Sudaryat does not mention the phonemes /w, j/ as semi vowels, although as vowels, /w, j/ function as a glide sound between two different vowels, as in the words: Kueh - /ku w eh/ Muih - /mu w ih/ Bear - /be A ar/ Miang - Mi j an/

Phonemes /w/ and /j/ function as glide sounds between two different vowels as i the words: wa - rung wa - yang ba - wang ha - yang ku - ya sundanese language is the first language used by the people in java,including central java and east .

[edit] Basic grammar

[edit] Root word

[edit] Root Verb

English Sundanese
eat .. dahar .. tuang ..(for older)
neda ..(for same age)
emam .. (for younger/children)
drink .. inum .. leueut ..
write .. tulis .. serat ..
read .. baca .. baca ..
forget .. poho .. hilap ..
remember .. inget .. emut ..
sit .. diuk .. calik ..
stand .. tangtung .. adeg ..
walk .. jalan .. papah ..

[edit] Active form

Most of active form in sundanese verb are in their root verb like 'diuk' or 'dahar'. Some other depend on first phonem in root verb:
(1) first phonem in 'd' are eliminated and change to prefiks 'nga' like in 'ngadahar'
(2) first phonem in 'i' are eliminated and change to prefiks 'ng' like in 'nginum'
(3) first phonem in 'b' are eliminated and change to prefiks 'm' like in 'maca'

[edit] Negation

(to be written).

[edit] Question

(to be written).

Dupi -(question) example: Polite- Dupi Bapa aya di bumi? (is your father at home?) Dupi bumi di palih mana? (where do you l

[edit] Passive form

(to be written).

[edit] Adjectives

(to be written). example: teuas (hard), Tiis (cool), Hipu (soft), lada (hot, ussualy for foods), haneut (warm), etc.

[edit] Prepositions

[edit] Place

English Sundanese
above .. diluhureun .. diluhureun ..
behind .. ditukangeun .. dipengkereun ..
under .. dihandapeun .. dihandapeun ..
inside .. di jero .. di lebet ..
outside .. di luar .. di luar ..
between ..
and ..
di antara ..
jeung ..
di antawis ..
sareng ..
front .. hareup .. payun ..
back .. tukang .. pengker ..

[edit] Time

English Sundanese
before saacan sateuacan
after sanggeus saparantos
during basa nalika
past baheula kapungkur

[edit] Miscellaneous

English Sundanese
from tina tina
for jang kanggo

[edit] Conjuctives

(to be written).

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Sundanese language edition of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia