Sunan Bonang

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Sunan Bonang, whose real name was Raden Maulana Makdum Ibrahim, was born in Tuban, East Java in 1465 and died in 1525 at Pulau Bawean[1].

He was a descendant of Majapahit nobility in Tuban - Chinese captain Gan Eng Cu. His father was also a Sunan(Ampel), and was also of Chinese descent.[2]. After becoming a prominent ulama, he tried to make ordinary Javanese familiar with Islam. He achieved it through art.

He changed traditional Javanese songs, which had been heavily influenced by Hindu philosophy, and incorporated Islamic thought. He also employed gamelan as medium of Islamic learning. One of his teachings is Tombo Ati, which literally mean 'Cures of the Heart.'

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Berdakwah dengan Tembang 'Tombo Ati'. Republika. Retrieved on 2007-01-10.
  2. ^ Muljana, Prof. Dr. Slamet (2005). RUNTUHNYA KERAJAAN HINDU-JAWA DAN TIMBULNYA NEGARA-NEGARA ISLAM DI NUSANTARA. Yogyakarta: LKiS, p. 86-101.. ISBN 979-8451-16-3. 

[edit] See also