Sudi Narayan

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Sudi "Sudheesh" Narayan, the creator of popular Spiritoons (non-serious spiritual cartoons) was born in Kerala in 1972. The main subject matter of spiritoons is 'non-serious spirituality' which points out the unawareness and vulnerability of human beings resulting from social, religious, spiritual and political imprisonment. Spiritoons go beyond mere humor and sarcasm and try to merge 'true' spirituality and practical materialism into a non-dual transcending cartoon experience, enough to awaken the spiritual potential within the viewers.

Once actively present in the university art festivals in district, state and national levels, Sudi now lives with his wife Nimmi and daughter Maya in Atlanta deeply involved in the teachings and spiritual practices of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, a.k.a Osho. An Information Technology Architect by profession, Sudi is actively present in the art scene and publish spiritual illustrations and cartoons in various spiritual magazines and webzines.

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