
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This user is a Christian.
This user is a Bible reader.
This user enjoys rock music.
This user prefers dark chocolate.
This user drinks hot chocolate.
This user supports EU enlargement.
This user is interested in
This user is a Texas A&M Aggies fan. Gig 'em!
This user is a fan of F°R°I°E°N°D°S
This user plays the guitar.
This user is female.
This user likes to eat
Thai food
This user does not smoke.
The only throne this user has sat on was made of porcelain.
This user eats cookies.
This user is happy.
This user is interested in
This user prefers warm weather.
This user enjoys snowboarding.
This user supports recycling.
This user supports public transit.
This user supports the
use of green energy.
This user thinks Nationalism is outdated.
This user is against involuntary military service.

d'oh! This user thinks The Simpsons is simply...excellent.
This user believes in Intelligent Design
This user is right-handed.
This user drinks tea.

This user has set foot in 15 countries of the world.
This user supports the ban on smoking in public places.
This user wants all of Europe to adopt the euro.
This user is car-free.
This user comes from Switzerland.
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to vote.
This user is interested in
Molecular Biology
This user feels so alive.
This user has a sense of humour and shows it through the use of userboxes.
CSL This user loves the works of C.S. Lewis.
This user prefers eating pizza with pineapple.
fr Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
de-2 Dieser Benutzer hat fortgeschrittene Deutschkenntnisse.