Stylomandibular ligament

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Ligament: Stylomandibular ligament
Articulation of the mandible. Medial aspect. (Stylomandibular lig. labeled at center left.)
Muscles of the pharynx, viewed from behind, together with the associated vessels and nerves. (Styl. mand. lig. labeled at center left.)
Latin ligamentum stylomandibulare
Gray's subject #75 298
From styloid process (temporal)
To ramus of the mandible
Dorlands/Elsevier l_09/12493166

The stylomandibular ligament is a specialized band of the cervical fascia, which extends from near the apex of the styloid process of the temporal bone to the angle and posterior border of the angle of the mandible, between the Masseter and Pterygoideus internus.

This ligament separates the parotid from the submaxillary gland, and from its deep surface some fibers of the Styloglossus take origin.

Although classed among the ligaments of the temporomandibular joint, it can only be considered as accessory to it.

This ligament along with the sphenomandibular ligament is responsible for limitation of mandibular movements (limit excessive opening).

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