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The STUMAN55 user profile belongs to Stuart G Kendall, a life member of the mighty Hallora bogans sporting collaboration. Born September 5, 1987, Stuman quickly devoloped a love for beer, bowling and wasting time through pointless conversations about fish and aliens. Then in 2003, with the help of his bogan brethran, including Darren Adams and grant Duncan(founding members of Hallora Bogans 10 pin bowling team and fellow life members) they created the hallora bogans Basketball club. The first few seasons were a struggle, with only 3 wins and the team mainly relying on Sean Dixons immence skill and ability, and bit time players Chris Croft and Simon Henrey support roles to get the job done. However, no team in the competition could match the bogans in enthusiasm or flair. Stories of the wild after parties spread like wildfire, and led by the club presedent, Stuart Kendall, they evolved into the Hallora Bogans social club to allow friends and fans to feel closer to the team. For many years the Bogans celebrated every tiny sucess or achievement at home base, The shirl Allot party shed, until the basketball club fell through. A terrible time fell apon Hallora as crucial members moved away and drifted apart, however a small contigent of loyal bogans remained close, and while it wasnt the same, they still upheld the bogan way and through the Hallora bogans 10 pin side, kept the name alive. Nowadays, the mighty bogans are beginning to r3egroup, as memories of the glory years surface in long lost members, and soon, the bogans will once again be happiest bunch of people on earth. As for Stuman, hes always been loyal and devout in the ways of hallora, and plans to for many many years.