My name is Matt and I am a student studying criminology at St. Thomas University in Fredericton NB Canada. I was born July 29, 1987 at The Moncton Hospital, you can figure out my age if you want (I'm really bad at math so I couldnt tell you if I tried). I have been blessed with the love of a beautiful girl and I cherish every moment we are together (Im really not that gushy...but it is true lol). My main hobbies are mountain biking, gaming, video production, and currently being a wikipedian. I try to be a nice person as much as I can, but I also avoid being fake. I currently (spring 2008) work at a call center in downtown Moncton, its an okay job, Im just glad its not what Ill be doing for the rest of my life. After I graduate I hope to become an RCMP officer.