Student Stop AIDS Campaign

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The Student Stop AIDS Campaign (SSAC) is a network of groups based in British universities that campaign about the global HIV/AIDS crisis. The key campaign is currently Access to Care and Treatment, which aims to make anti-retroviral drugs - currently unavailable to many people in poorer countries - universally accessible.

The SSAC is co-ordinated by Students Partnership Worldwide, a youth-based development organization, and is part of the larger Stop AIDS Campaign consortium.

Student Stop AIDS Societies (SSAS) carry out several different types of campus-based activities. Awareness raising - that is, communicating facts about the AIDS crisis to a wider audience - is one key strategy. Another is political campaigning, both directly by meeting politicians, and lobbying by post and the internet. SSAS also regularly join forces to campaign together at a particular event, for example, the G8 Meeting in Gleneagles. Stop AIDS campaigns aim to carry out their work in partnership with other student campaign groups, such as UNSYA, People & Planet and Medsin.

Other key events in the Stop AIDS calendar are World AIDS Day on the 1st of December each year, and the annual speaker tour, where young HIV activists from around the world visit British universities to discuss the crisis.

[edit] Related groups

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