
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mood: Ever so slightly inteligent.
Name Laurel E. K. S.
Gender Female
Birth date September 25, 1990
Birthplace Honolulu, Hawai'i
Location West Virginia
Marital status Single
Occupation Student
Education High School
High school MHS/Keystone International High School
Religion Athiest
Aliases LEKS, strznc, FIXit.
IQ 114
Contact info
Blog ...Its dissapeared...
E-mail Ask and have a good reason for asking.
Strznc subpages
This user knows that there IS NO EXIT
Logo This user loves knowledge.
This user does not like socklessness.
This user enjoys backpacking.
This user exercises regularly and drinks a lot of water to stay hydrated.
This user does not smoke.
This user supports Renewable Energy.
This user has visited New Zealand.
Image:Icon_Overcast.png This user enjoys overcast weather
This user is a fan of the 1980s and participates in the 1980s retro movement

Ask Questions This user is involved in the 9/11 Truth Movement Demand Answers
This user is a member of the worldwide family of Scouts.

This user is a member of one of the 500+ world Scouting/Guiding associations and contributes articles to preserve their history.

This user is a member of one of the 500+ world Scouting or Guiding associations and collects and trades Scout memorabilia.

This user is, or once was, a Girl Scout.
This user is a recipient of the Girl Scout Silver Award.
*_* This user loves anime.


^_^ This user is friends with Totoro.


en This user is a native speaker of English.
This user has a basic understanding of the Braille system.
they This user considers the singular they to be substandard English usage.
snk This user says either sneaked or snuck.
to / too
/ two
This user thinks that too many people have no idea how to use words that they should have learned in grade two.
their / there / they’re This user thinks that there are too many people who don’t know that they’re worse than their own children at spelling!
your/ you’re This user thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, then you’re in need of help.
“,;:’ This user is a punctuation stickler.
.  The This user puts two spaces after a full stop.
its & it’s This user understands the difference between its and it’s. So should you.
’s Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice.
ə This user is a Grammar Nazi and wears a schwa sticker as proof.

AIM-2 This uzer has an intermediate understanding of teh AIM lingos. 0_0
Ths usr cn rd & rt usn txt lng
Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de Español Castellano.
BS This user can speak Bullshit.
ubx-1 This user is a userbox novice.
... This user would like to be able to speak more languages.
dlph Squeek oorr'k eeeeeeeee'kk.
sar This user is sarcastic.
C-1 This user is a beginning C user.

This user likes kiwis (not the fruit).
Ps This user contributes using Adobe Photoshop.
This user uses LimeWire
This user thinks an explorer can't be better than a fox!
This user uses Windows XP.
This user is an omnivore.
This user would gladly eat Green Eggs and Ham for Easter dinner but not on Fridays in Lent, or Ash Wednesday.
This user is a Sudoku addict.
This user passed GO !
(…so where is my $200?)
This user is addicted to video games.
This user is interested in Impressionism.
a²+b²=c² This user is an intermediate mathematician.

ft-lb This user uses American Measurements.
Pi ≈ 3.14159265358979323846264

33832795028841971693993751058 20974944592307816406286208998 62803482534211706798214808651 32823066470938446095505822317 25359408128481117450284102701 93852110555964462294895493038 19644288109756659334461284756 48233786783165271201909145648 56692346038610454326648213393 60726024914127372458700660631 55817488152092096282925409171 53643678925903600113305305488 20466521384146951941511609

This user enjoys reading fiction.
This user is a Book lover.
This user listens to
audio books.

This user enjoys reading Fantasy.
This user reads Science Fiction.
Image:45px-asimov_copy.jpg This user enjoys the works of Isaac Asimov.
SK This user enjoys the works of Stephen King.
CSL This user loves the works of C.S. Lewis.
This user enjoys the works of
Beatrix Potter.

This user enjoys the works of
J. R. R. Tolkien.

Quoth this user, "Nevermore"
This user enjoys reading poetry.
This user likes their Martinis shaken, not stirred.
R This user is a cross between a Ravenclaw and a Slytherin, so watch out, punk S

S This user is a Slytherin.
HP This user is a Harry Potter fan.

L.V. This user is a fan of Lord Voldemort.
S.S. This user is a fan of Severus Snape.
This user is a Death Eater.
This user's homeworld likes to think that it is mostly harmless, but it is, in practice, devastatingly dangerous.
DON'T PANIC This user attempts not to panic with the aid of several towels.
This user is a hoopy frood who really knows where their towel is.

LOTR This user likes the original The Lord of the Rings and prefers it to the film trilogy, because they're way too changed, you know?
This user enjoys comics.

C&H This user has managed to transmogrify himself into a Calvin and Hobbes fan.
G This user does not like Mondays.
*_* This user loves manga.
^_^ This user reads Manga.
漫画 This user is a Manga Otaku.
This user enjoys film.
' This user has been flushed away.
A Bug's Life This user has seen A Bug's Life.
This user doesn't speak freaky-deaky Dutch!
Clerks. This user isn't supposed to be here today!
Clerks II This user believes that there is only one trilogy and one "Return"!
A million girls would kill for this user's job.

The Good In this world, there's two kinds of users: Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig.

The Bad This user will see you soon, idiots.

The Ugly When this user has to shoot, he shoots. Doesn't talk.

ND This user is
pretty good with a bo staff.
ND This user voted for Pedro.
Ж This user thought you was a toad.
This user's got a case of the Mondays.
This user has had it with mother****ing snakes on mother****ing planes!
V This user knows Ideas are bulletproof!
This user doesn’t expect you to talk. This user expects you to die!!

This user has a feeling that we're not in Kansas anymore.
Hoopla! This user is a Rocky Horror fanatic.
Matrix This user took the red pill, not the blue pill.
SW music This user loves Star Wars music.
This user enjoys reading magazines.
This user is a member of the National Geographic Society.
This user listens to radio over the Internet.
NPR This user listens to NPR.
This user listens to podcasts.


M.D. This user watches House.
H This user is addicted to Vicodin.

H This user believes that everybody lies.

psych This user watches a show about a fake psychic, real detective.
LOST 4…8…15…16…23…42…
This user is LOST…
Kermit is this user's hero.

Bart This user wants you to "Eat my shorts!"

Lisa If anyone wants this user, they'll be in their room...
What kind of userbox is that?

SEIN This user is obsessed with Seinfeld .. not that there's anything wrong with that!
This user thinks anyone who doesn't like That '70s Show is a dumbass.
UB This user believes that Ugly is the New Beautiful.

This user is a musician.
This user knows advanced
music theory.
This user plays the flute.
This user plays the piano.
This user enjoys classical music.
cRap This user can't stand rap/hip hop music.
Image:saxophone-icon.svg This user enjoys jazz music.
This user enjoys psychedelic rock.

Music of the common people This user enjoys folk music.
This user listens to industrial.

60s This user is a fan of Sixties music.

This user enjoys punk rock.
This user appreciates real punk music.
This user enjoys rock music.
DB This user is a fan of David Bowie.
This user is a fan of progressive rock.
This user enjoys electronic music.
EB This user enjoys Eurobeat.
This user enjoys indie rock.
This user enjoys ska.
This user enjoys reggae.
This user likes alternative rock.
This user fancies Celtic music.
Template:User hyphy
Image:User_audiophile.gif This user is an audiophile.
Image:Anti-iPod.png This user does not like iPods.

abc This user may be a teenager, but he or she loves vinyl records.
This user is a fan of AC/DC.
This user has a Fire Inside.
This user loves The Beatles.
MMT Like Mr. Bloodvessel, you can't pry this user from the Magical Mystery Tour.
Here's another clue for you all. The Walrus was this user.
This user is a member of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
This user says:
"Don't fear the reaper!"

This user is livin' on a prayer.

CREAM This user likes white rooms with black curtains.
This user is a rider on the storm.

This user keeps the Electric light on E.L.O.
This user was brought to life by Evanescence.

This user is a fan of Franz Ferdinand.
This user is a fan of Genesis in all of its forms. Supper's Ready!
Gorillaz This user feels good.
Green Day This user is an American Idiot.
This user is the dust in the wind.

ZOSO This user takes the stairway to heaven.
LP This user Still Kills The Old Way.

This user can't stop thinking about the girls, girls, girls.
This user is going to lead you, like a phantom in the summer, to join The Black Parade.

NIRVANA The sun has gone
but this user has a light.
This user is a fan of The Offspring.

{{User:Xstryker/Userboxes/User OK Go]]}}

PATD This user panics at the disco.
This user loves Phish.
  All in all, this user's just another brick in The Wall.

This user knows that there is no dark side of the moon really— matter of fact it's all dark.

Queen This user loves Queen!
This user is a huge Red Hot Chili Peppers fan.

RS This user is a fan of
The Rolling Stones
This user is a fan of The Smashing Pumpkins and worships Billy Corgan.
This user wears black on the outside because black is how this user feels on the inside.

Per the Userbox migration, {{User Gothbag/Userboxes/Soundgarden}} was moved to {{User:UBX/Soundgarden}}

This user is a Stone Temple Pilots fan.

This user's favorite composer is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
EP This user thinks Elvis is still alive.
This user walks in fields of gold.
This user owns a copy of Franz Ferdinand's You Could Have It So Much Better.

TBP This user owns a copy of My Chemical Romance's The Black Parade.

This user supports the protection of the environment.
This user misses Pluto. May its planethood rest in peace.
Sellout This user watches the Super Bowl for the ads.
This user agrees that Kayaking is the best sport in the world.
This user just LOVES to cycle!

This user snowboards.
This user believes they are unique, just like everybody else. =]


[edit] About

I was born in Pearl City, but am documented as being born in Honolulu. From Hawai'i I moved to Pennsylvania and then to where I now live: West Virginia.

I currently am attending an online private school called Keystone International High School. Before Keystone, I attended SPS, NES, SMS, and then MHS (I will not reveal what these mean for my own safety.)

[edit] Courses Being Taken in 2007

World History

English II

Spanish II


Physical Science

hs This user is a high school student.
HOME This user is a homeschooler.

[edit] Autographs

Please leave your signature! (I will do the same in return.)

[edit] The Ruling Pets

This user is owned by one or more cats.
This user thinks no outfit is complete without cat hair.

This user's home is overrun with cats.
This user is a cat lover.
This user has a pet cat.

[edit] Achievements

[edit] May 25, 2007

Created the Jahangira to Sultanganj redirect page.

[edit] Humor

Some user boxes I have made- to show my poor attempts at humor.

Userboxes I Have Created
The only throne this user has sat on was made of porcelain.

[edit] Interests

[edit] The Arts

This user likes all types of music.
This user is interested in drama and acting.
This user is an art lover.
This user is interested in
art history.
This user knows the difference between beauty and trash.
This user enjoys origami.
This user enjoys painting.
This user enjoys photography.
This user enjoys singing.
This user enjoys writing.