Talk:Strike (attack)

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What are some major causes for someone to physically abuse ones mate by striking, pushing, shoving, or even desiring harm to ones mate and what are some ways of being delivered from sharming a mate, or even continually striking ones mate, such as counselling, books, right thoughts, etc.

That doesn't belong in this article. Try spousal abuse or domestic violence.


[edit] Merge

Yes, merge the two articles.

[edit] Karate Information

This doesn't belong in an article about striking in general. I'm going to remove it. Linking to striking martial arts would be more useful to a reader and would keep the article clean. 02:36, 5 September 2005 (UTC)

[edit] Neutrality issue

Section 3.1 says that "the human hand is made up of several small bones which are not designed to withstand heavy impact." Notice the seemingly innocuous use of passive voice, forcing the reader to develop a conclusion on a being whom is said to have created the fingers in question. If the author wants to discuss his views on religion, there's a talk section for several articles related thereto. Changed "not designed" to "unable." Pinnochiopium 20:14, 30 June 2006 (UTC)

That was a little nitpicky. "Designed" could be a product of the evolutionary theory either, in that designed implies that our bodies developed the knuckles for other purposes.

In any case, I don't think it makes a big difference either way. DRaGZ 07:23, 13 September 2006 (UTC)

[edit] ALOT is left out

The article on stikes leaves alot of the hand strikes out, such as

Phoenix Eye punch- where knuckle of the index finger is extended out from the others, where the last didget(sp?), the one with the nail, is under the tumb. This type of strike is used to strike soft points, and or pressure points. It takes a long period of training to be able to actually use this, due to the chance of damage to the finger. One method of training is to place a paper cut out of a human form on a brick wall, with whole peanuts glued to the strike points. The object is to hit the peanuts hard enough to crush them, but not so hard the knuckle is crushed by the wall.

Chicken Heart punch- Close to the Phoenix Eye, but in this case, the middle finger knuckle is extended. The same strike areas are used, and the same training is done.

Jaguar strike- This strike is done with the hand looking like a paw of a cat. It is used one technique I know of, call Chop Choy, I belive which comes from Choy Li Fut.

Crane Fist strike

Crane Finger Strike

Tiger Claw strike

Eagle Claw strike

These are left out for a REASON. They are ALL specific to a certain martial art, and this is a GENERAL article on strikes. And, personally, I find all of these attacks to be practically inefficient. DRaGZ 06:18, 12 September 2006 (UTC)

I largely agree with you there, DRaGZ. However, it occurs to me that the "extended knuckle" class of strikes warrants a general mention. I'll add it in; we can discuss as needed. In particular, should this be placed under the punch article? That article seems to be mostly about alternate ways of delivering punches with a standard fist. An extended knuckle is very similar to that, but still might arguably be comparable to, say, a knife-hand strike. Thoughts? --GenkiNeko 18:37, 20 November 2006 (UTC)

Why the seemingly random Kanji/Hanzi after the word "strike" at the beginning of the article? Do only East Asians strike people? MrGalt 20:47, 26 January 2007 (UTC)

[edit] RMA systema strike info ryabko's systema

So if you watch the systema videos you hear a lot about the different ways of striking the opponent to evoke certain reactions - even laughter!

I think that some of that strike physiology in the impact of the strike would be really interesting. I think that it would be important to reference systema in some way. Mikhail Ryabko is one of the best strikers i nthe world and has the greatest understanding of this that I've seen, but I'm sure there are others. What other styles or systems have these type of principles taught?

How can we incorporate them in to the article?

Thank you! Tkjazzer 02:27, 9 November 2007 (UTC)

[edit] link to article on training methods to improve strikes

suggestion on a section about various ways that people train their bodies to properly perform strikes without "injury." I quote injury since everything we do injures at the micro-level. I was thinking like fist push-ups, etc etc - links to article which expand on these topics more fully, but at least mention them here. Thoughts? Tkjazzer (talk) 19:38, 19 February 2008 (UTC)

[edit] request pictures

can we find more pictures? Tkjazzer (talk) 23:31, 22 March 2008 (UTC)