Structural alignment software
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This list of structural alignment software is a compilation of software tools and web portals used in pairwise or multiple structural alignment
[edit] Structural alignment
NAME | Description | Class | Type | Flexible | Link | Author | Year |
MAMMOTH | MAtching Molecular Models Obtained from Theory | Cα | Pair | No | server | AR. Ortiz | 2002 |
CE/CE-MC | Combinatorial Extension -- Monte Carlo | Cα | Multi | No | server | I. Shindyalov | 2000 |
DaliLite | Distance Matrix Alignment | C-Map | Pair | No | server | L. Holm | 1993 |
VAST | Vector Alignment Search Tool | SSE | Pair | nil | server | S. Bryant | 1996 |
PrISM | Protein Informatics Systems for Modeling | SSE | Multi | nil | server | B. Honig | 2000 |
SSAP | Sequential Structure Alignment Program | SSE | Multi | No | server | C. Orengo & W. Taylor | 1989 |
SARF2 | Spatial ARrangements of Backbone Fragments | SSE | Pair | nil | server | N. Alexandrov | 1996 |
KENOBI/K2 | NA | SSE | Pair | nil | server | Z. Weng | 2000 |
STAMP | STructural Alignment of Multiple Proteins | Cα | Multi | No | server | R. Russell & G. Barton | 1992 |
MASS | Multiple Alignment by Secondary Structure | SSE | Multi | nil | server | O. Dror & H. Wolfson | 2003 |
SCALI | Structural Core ALIgnment of proteins | Seq | Pair | nil | server | C. Bystroff | 2004 |
DEJAVU | NA | SSE | Pair | nil | server | GJ. Kleywegt | 1997 |
SSM | Secondary Structure Matching | SSE | Multi | nil | server | E. Krissinel | 2003 |
SHEBA | Structural Homology by Environment-Based Alignment | Seq | Pair | nil | server | B. Lee | 2000 |
LGA | Local-Global Alignment | Cα | Pair | nil | server | A. Zemla | 2003 |
POSA | Partial Order Structure Alignment | Cα | Multi | Yes | server | Y. Ye & A. Godzik | 2005 |
PyMOL | "super" command does sequence-independent 3D alignment | Protein | Hybrid | No | site | W. L. DeLano | 2007 |
FATCAT | Flexible Structure AlignmenT by Chaining Aligned Fragment Pairs Allowing Twists | Cα | Pair | Yes | server | Y. Ye & A. Godzik | 2003 |
Matras | MArkovian TRAnsition of protein Structure | Cα & SSE | Pair | nil | NA | K. Nishikawa | 2000 |
MAMMOTH-mult | MAMMOTH-based multiple structure alignment | Cα | Multi | No | server | D. Lupyan | 2005 |
Protein3Dfit | NA | C-Map | Pair | nil | server | D. Schomburg | 1994 |
PRIDE | PRobaility of IDEntity | Cα | Pair | nil | server | S. Pongor | 2002 |
FAST | FAST Alignment and Search Tool | Cα | Pair | nil | server | J. Zhu | 2004 |
C-BOP | Coordinate-Based Organization of Proteins | N/A | Multi | nil | server | E. Sandelin | 2005 |
ProFit | Protein least-squares Fitting | Cα | Multi | nil | server | ACR. Martin | 1996 |
TOPOFIT | Alignment as a superimposition of common volumes at a topomax point | Cα | Pair | nil | server | VA. Ilyin | 2004 |
MUSTANG | MUltiple STructural AligNment AlGorithm | Cα & C-Map | Multi | nil | download | A.S. Konagurthu et al. | 2005 |
URMS | Unit-vector RMSD | Cα | Pair | nil | server | K. Kedem | 2003 |
LOCK | Hierarchical protein structure superposition | SSE | Pair | No | NA | AP. Singh | 1997 |
LOCK 2 | Improvements over LOCK | SSE | Pair | No | download | J. Shapiro | 2003 |
CBA | Consistency Based Alignment | SSE | Multi | nil | download | J. Ebert | 2006 |
TetraDA | Tetrahedral Decomposition Alignment | SSE | Multi | Yes | NA | J. Roach | 2005 |
STRAP | STRucture based Alignment Program | Cα | Multi | nil | server | C. Gille | 2006 |
LOVOALIGN | Low Order Value Optimization methods for Structural Alignment | Cα | Pair | nil | server | Andreani et al. | 2006 |
GANGSTA | Genetic Algorithm for Nonsequential and Gapped STructural Alignment | SSE/C-Map | Pair | nil | server | B. Kolbeck et al. | 2006 |
TM-align | TM-score based protein structure alignment | Cα | Pair | nil | site | Y. Zhang & J. Skolnick | 2005 |
MatAlign | Protein Structure Comparison by Matrix Alignment | C-Map | Pair | nil | site | Z. Aung & K.L. Tan | 2006 |
Vorolign | Fast structure alignment using Voronoi contacts | C-map | Multi | Yes | server | F. Birzele et al. | 2007 |
EXPRESSO | Fast Multiple Structural Alignment using T-Coffee and Sap | Cα | Multi | nil | site | C. Notredame et al. | 2007 |
CAALIGN | Cα Align | Cα | Multi | nil | site | T.J. Oldfield | 2007 |
YAKUSA | Internal Coordinates and BLAST type algorithm | Cα | Pair | nil | site | M. Carpentier et al. | 2005 |
CLEMAPS | Conformation-based alphabet alignments | Cα | Multi | nil | NA | W-M. Zheng | 2007 |
TALI | Torsion Angle ALIgnment | Cα | Pair | No | NA | X. Mioa | 2006 |
MolCom | NA | Geometry | Multi | nil | NA | S.D. O'Hearn | 2003 |
MALECON | NA | Geometry | Multi | nil | NA | S. Wodak | 2004 |
FlexProt | Flexible Alignment of Protein Structures | Cα | Pair | Yes | server | M. Shatsky & H. Wolfson | 2002 |
MultiProt | Multiple Alignment of Protein Structures | Geometry | Multi | Yes | server | M. Shatsky & H. Wolfson | 2004 |
CTSS | Protein Structure Alignment Using Local Geometrical Features | Geometry | Pair | nil | site | T. Can | 2004 |
CURVE | NA | Geometry | Multi | No | site | D. Zhi | 2006 |
Matt | Multiple Alignment with Translations and Twists | Cα | Multi | Yes | download | M. Menke | 2008 |
TopMatch | Protein structure alignment and visualization of structural similarities | Cα | Pair | No | server | M. Sippl & M. Wiederstein | 2008 |
SSGS | Secondary Structure Guided Superimposition | Ca | Pair | No | site | G. Wainreb et al. | 2006 |
Matchprot | Comparison of protein structures by growing neighborhood alignments | Cα | Pair | No | server | S. Bhattacharya et al. | 2007 |
UCSF Chimera | see MatchMaker tool and "matchmaker" command | Seq & SSE | Multi | No | site | E. Meng et al. | 2006 |
FLASH | Fast aLignment Algorithm for finding Structural Homology of proteins | SSE | Pair | No | NA | E.S.C. Shih & M-J Hwang | 2003 |
RAPIDO | Rapid Alignment of Protein structures In the presence of Domain mOvements | Cα | Pair | Yes | server | R. Mosca & T.R. Schneider | 2008 |
Key map:
- Cα -- Backbone Atom (Cα) Alignment;
- SSE -- Secondary Structure Elements Alignment;
- Seq -- Sequence-based alignment
- Pair -- Pairwise Alignment (2 structures *only*);
- Multi -- Multiple Structure Alignment (MStA);
- C-Map -- Contact Map