Streamline Car Carries Engine at Rear.
The Burney car by Streamline Cars Ltd. Designed by Sir Charles Dennistoun Burney in 1927. See w:en: Streamline Cars Ltd
Caption: "At high speeds, the resistance of the ordinary automobile to the air is so great that it materially increases the cost of fuel per mile. The streamline shape is well known in racing; but the English car shown above is fitted for ordinary travel Since the streamlined shape is blunt in front, the seats are placed well forward, and the storage compartments and the engine at the sharply-pointed rear. The car, designed by a prominent aviation engineer, is to make 80 miles an hour with an expenditure of 80 horsepower; it weighs 4250 pounds, seats seven passengers, and has an engine rated at only 22 hp. at normal speeds, but which will work up to 80."
Everyday Science and Mechanics, November 1931, Volume 2, Number 12.
A Gernsback Publication, New York NY. Published by Publishing Company of America, Hugo Gernsback, President
Hugo Gernsback, Editor-in-Chief; C. P. Mason, Associate Editor; Clyde Fitch, Associate Editor; Frank R. Paul, Art Director
In 1929, Hugo Gernsback lost control of his Experimenter Publishing Company and immediately started a set of competing magazines. This magazine started as Everyday Mechanics and in October 1931 it was renamed Everyday Science and Mechanics. In early 1937 the name was shortened to Science and Mechanics.
This 8.5 by 11.5 inch (21.6 by 29.2 cm) magazine has 96 pages. The magazine page numbers were on a volume bases. This issue has pages 634 to 730. This is the top half of page 663.