Store Koldewey

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Store Koldewey
Native name: Store Koldewey
Location East-Greenland
Coordinates 76°15′N 18°45′W / 76.25, -18.75Coordinates: 76°15′N 18°45′W / 76.25, -18.75
Area 615 km²

Flag of Greenland Greenland
County Tunu
Population 0

Store Koldewey is an island in Northeast Greenland. It is the largest of the Koldewey Islands. The island was visited by the Second German North Polar Expedition 1869–70, led by Carl Koldewey and referred to as grosse Koldewey Insel in the astronomy section of the expedition report, but this may not have intended as a formal name. The present island was shown on Koldewey’s maps as three islands. However, the Danmark Expedition 1906–08 showed them to be connected and coined the present name.