Stjepan Šiber

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Stjepan Šiber (born June 20, 1938, Gradačac, Bosnia and Herzegovina) went into Bosnian history as a war time general of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.In Gradačac, he finished his high school, then went to to Ljubljana were he finished the military academy. After that he becomes an officer in the JNA. By 1992 he becomes Lieutenant Colonel of JNA.

[edit] Bosnian War

In April 1992, he was put in a seat in the Presidency of Bosnia, where he would replace the commanding general of the army. Then in 1993, he is promoted to Brigadier General and gets a seat in the embassy of Bosnia in Switzerland.

[edit] After the War

He is a member of the Republicans Party BIH, together with Stjepan Kljuić: war member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina.