User talk:Stifle&section=new

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Dear Administrator,

My bio (Clelia Amoros-Ojeda) has been wrongly marked for deletion and I need your help to reinstate it.

The reason invoked for the deletion is that my Bio has been considere a copyright violation, which is not: This material was first written by myself in answer to a request for a biography to be published in the newspaper LA NACION of Argentina.

If there is any copyright to be protected is mine, and I myself wrote the material later included in WIKIPEDIA. I probably used the wrong words when I ended the Bio with a mention to the fact that it had been published by another media before yours, and it looked like copywrited material to who evaluated it. I am sorry about this misunderstanding.

You can find the same information about myself under my married name Cleo Ponassi in Google, Yahoo and other media.

Please let me know what I should do to have my Bio reinstated in WIKIPEDIA, which is a publication I respect a lot.

Thank you for your help, 00:31, 4 August 2007 (UTC)Clelia Amoros-Ojeda 00:31, 4 August 2007 (UTC)AKA Cleo Ponassi

Email: Phone: 305-431-0946