Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

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Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
Cover art for Tenchu:Stealth Assassins
Developer(s) Acquire
Publisher(s) Flag of Japan Sony Music
Flag of the United States Activision
Platform(s) PlayStation
Release date Flag of Japan February 26, 1998
Flag of the United States August 31, 1998
Flag of Europe 1998
Genre(s) Stealth Action
Mode(s) Single player
Rating(s) Varies from T (13+) to M (17+)
Media CD-ROM
System requirements memory card
Input methods DualShock controller

Tenchu: Stealth Assassins is a stealth game in which the player takes the role of a ninja, progressing through 10 stages and accomplishing the tasks therein. Playable characters include Rikimaru or Ayame.

All of the levels take place at night to compensate for the technical limitations of the PlayStation; the game's high rate of redraw is reduced by setting events at night and reducing the distance the player can see.


[edit] Characters

[edit] Rikimaru

Rikimaru is the servant and protector of Lord Gohda. He has obtained the sixth sense allowing special vision. He is a ninja wielding a Ninjatō (忍者刀). He may be slower than his partner, Ayame, but his sword is still stronger than her daggers.

[edit] Ayame

Ayame is the loyal friend of Lord Gohda's daughter, Princess Kiku. They act like sisters toward each other but she, like Rikimaru, is a ninja protecting Lord Gohda. Although not as strong as Rikimaru, Ayame is very quick wielding her dual Wakizashi.

[edit] Lord Gohda

The leader and loyal royal of this ancient time. He has a daughter, Kiku, as well as two ninjas just as part as his protection. He has a counsel, Sekiya, who is also the trainer of Ayame and Rikimaru.

[edit] Princess Kiku

The daughter of Lord Gohda and best friend of Ayame. She is respective to and from Ayame especially at training. At the end of the game, she is kidnapped, but is rescued.

[edit] Gameplay

[edit] Items

[edit] Default items

Many items are given to the player from the beginning of the game and/or are provided to equip before each mission.

  • Shuriken: Ninja Stars that do damage of 20 health points.
  • Caltrops: Iron spikes that create a short diversion while injuring the enemy. They do little damage, good for slowing pursuing guards after they've already seen you.
  • Poison Rice: When fed to hungry guards, who don't seem to mind finding mystery bowls of rice that appear directly behind them, it creates a diversion lasting long enough to kill them while they are distracted by poison.
  • Mine: Set by the player. When stepped on it causes explosive damage, causing between 40-50 health points.
  • Colored Rice: Allows the player to leave tracks behind to know where they've been.
  • Grenades: Creates explosive damage when thrown and causes 30 health points worth of damage.
  • Smoke Bombs: Creates a cloud of smoke, confusing and distracting the opponent.
  • Healing Potion: Restores the player's health bar.
  • Sticky Bomb: a bomb that you throw on an enemy that sicks to them and by pushing a button, it will detonate and kill your enemy.
  • strength potion: increases attack strength for a limited time.

[edit] Special Items

These can be collected at the end of each level (including Training) when the player obtains a ranking of "Grand Master."

  • Training: The Super-Shuriken similar to shuriken but uses 8 projectiles instead of 1.
  • Level 1: The Lightfoot Scroll can be obtained which permits a super-speed run for a short period of time and distance.
  • Level 2: The Fire-Eater Scroll allows the user to invoke a ninjitsu incantation that summons flame geysers.
  • Level 3: The Protection Amulet grants an increased offense and defense for a limited time.
  • Level 4: The Sleeping Gas allows the character to put enemies to sleep.
  • Level 5: The Ninja Armor increases defense by 30%, as well as giving the character a new costume while it is used.
  • Level 6: The Shadow Decoy allows the character to place decoys to confuse or distract opponents.
  • Level 7: The Resurrection Leaf allows the player to revive one time after death.
  • Level 8: The Chameleon Suit is a disguise suit which transforms you into a character most suited for blending in for that particular mission (enemy guards, civilians, etc.), though you still carry your weapon in plain sight. This doesn't seem to bother the enemy agents at all, to a somewhat comedic effect.
  • Level 9: The Dog Bone will summon your ninja-dog Semimaru to aid you in killing your enemies.
  • Level 10: the Clay Flute is a device that allows you to imitate the sound of various animals. This device causes an alerted-but-not-hostile enemy to dismiss the disturbance as "just an animal." This particular tool is almost invaluable, as it has unlimited uses, and always succeeds, so long as the enemy hasn't identified you.

[edit] Levels

[edit] Level 1: Punish the Evil Merchant

A once-honest merchant, Echigoya, has been using brutal methods to destroy his enemies and gain wealth. Envious of the upper classes in Japan, he wishes to amass large amounts of wealth, regardless of the price in human blood. You must kill Echigoya...

[edit] Level 2: Deliver the Secret Message

A large group of outlaws has planned an attack on Lord Gohda's territory, but you've stolen a copy of their plans. You must deliver the plans to Lord Gohda and circumvent the possibility of a brutal war. Unluckily for you, the outlaws have hired a group of ninja to intercept and terminate you.

[edit] Level 3: Rescue the Captive Ninja

A Gohda ninja has been captured and is being held in an obscure forest. Although the ninja code forbids rescues, Lord Gohda has bent the rules and asks you to rescue the captive ninja.

[edit] Level 4: Cross the Checkpoint

While spying in hostile lands, you learn of a massive army preparing to attack Lord Gohda's territory. You must report back to Lord Gohda - and that means crossing an enemy checkpoint. (Absent from the original Tenchu release)

[edit] Level 5: Execute the Corrupt Minister

Lord Gohda's finance minister, Kataoka, has been accepting bribes from merchants like Echigoya. Kataoka is Naotada Sekiya's son (Sekiya is Gohda's chief adviser). To avoid bringing shame on Sekiya's name by overtly dealing with Kataoka, you are ordered to execute him. In Rikimaru's campaign, the mission ends when the minister commits seppu-ku as atonement for his crime. The player will be forced to fight Kataoka in Ayame's campaign. (Absent from the original Tenchu release)

[edit] Level 6: Infiltrate the Manji Cult

A long time ago, an evil spirit was trapped inside a stone. The stone had the power to control minds and alter bodies. Recently, the Manji cult has stolen the stone and is using it to build up an army of demons. You must retrieve the stone.

[edit] Level 7: Destroy the Foreign Pirate

The ferocious Spanish pirate, Captain Balmer, has been wreaking havoc on the town. You must stop him and restore the balance of trade.

[edit] Level 8: Cure the Princess

Princess Kiku is slowly losing her sight. All conventional methods of treating her ailment have failed, so you must obtain the magical herb that grows on Mt. Shiba (it is rumored to be able to cure anything).

[edit] Level 9: Reclaim the Castle

Last night, Onikage led an army of demons against one of Lord Gohda's castles. They quickly overwhelmed the meager defenses and overthrew the castle. A frontal attack is impossible and impractical; you must infiltrate the castle and deal with the problem from within.

[edit] Level 10: Free the Princess

Lord Mei-Oh has kidnapped Princess Kiku. You must rescue her and destroy Mei-Oh and Onikage once and for all.

[edit] Cast

Character Voice Actor (Japanese) Voice Actor (English)
Rikimaru Toru Okawa Paul Lucas
Ayame Youko Soumi Terry Osada
Sekiya Kouichi Kitamura Takeshi Kuwabara
Gohda Yousuke Akimoto Takeshi Kuwabara
Princess Kiku Ikue Ohtani Yumiko Yasuoka
Echigoya Masaaki Tsukada Takeshi Kuwabara
Sasaki Kiyoshi Kobayashi Kiyomi Shimada
Goo Akimitsu Takase Kazuhiko Amagai
Onikage Hisao Egawa Seiichi Hirai
Tazu Atsuko Tanaka Maki Inoue
Akechi Junpei Norita Hiroki Morita
Hikone Atsushi Ii Junichiro Tsuge
Kataoka Yasuo Owata Takeshi Kuwabara
Bizenya Masaaki Tsukada Paul Lucas
On Tamio Ohiki Kiyomi Shimada
Balmer Mitsuaki Hoshino Aaron Casillas
Mei-Oh Tamio Ohiki Takeshi Kuwabara
Narration Kiyoshi Kobayashi Robert Belgrade

[edit] Dimensional Ninja Action Movie: Tenchu

Dimensional Ninja Action Movie: Tenchu
Developer(s) Acquire
Publisher(s) Sony Music
Platform(s) PlayStation
Release date Flag of Japan February 26, 1998
Genre(s) Stealth Action
Mode(s) Single player
Media CD-ROM

Dimensional Ninja Action Movie: Tenchu was released in Japan in February 26, 1998. This version of the game is somewhat different from the Western version and the remake Shinobi Gaisen. The game came with 8 levels, missing Cross the Checkpoint and The Corrupt Minister, plus each level only has one layout. The option screen, character select and level select all come with different graphics. The boss characters have different weapons and before each level there is a small amount of Japanese dialogue that gives more detail into the game. The fighting moves are also different, whereas on the later version, mashing the button for attacks is all well and good, but in this version each strike must be timed to get the full flurry of moves. The 180 degree reverse roll is also absent.

[edit] Tenchu: Shinobi Gaisen

Tenchu: Shinobi Gaisen
Developer(s) Acquire
Publisher(s) Sony Music
Platform(s) PlayStation
Release date Flag of Japan February 24, 1999
Genre(s) Stealth Action
Mode(s) Single player
Media CD-ROM

Tenchu was re-released in Japan in February 24, 1999 with many updates, including different mission layouts, all the stages seen in the American and European versions (levels 4 and 5 were missing in the original) and 4 selectable languages: Japanese, English, Italian and French.

The main feature of this version was its mission editor. The possibilities in creating missions were endless and it generated a special edition disc with the 100 best missions created by Japanese players called Tenchu: Shinobi Hyakusen.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links